πŸ”– Bookmark app for Nextcloud


Nextcloud Bookmarks

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Bookmarks app for Nextcloud

This app provides you with a web interface for collecting and organizing bookmarks to the places on the web that are precious to you.

  • πŸ“‚ Browse and filter your bookmarks via tags and folders and add personal notes
  • πŸ” Built-in full-text search integrated into Nextcloud's unified search
  • πŸ‘ͺ Share bookmarks with other users as well as publicly
  • πŸ’‘ Keep track of changes in the activity stream
  • ☠ Easily find broken links
  • πŸ“” All your links are automatically archived for full-text search and in case they are depublished
  • πŸ“² Access your bookmarks anywhere, on desktop Browsers and on your phone, via a variety of sync clients
  • πŸ’Ό Built-in Dashboard widgets for frequent and recent links
  • βš› Easily generate public and private RSS feeds of your collections

Third-party clients



  • Owncloud Bookmarks - Bookmarks extension for Chromium-based browsers (Chromium/Chrome/Opera/Vivaldi)
  • Floccus - Bookmark sync for Firefox/Chromium-based browsers
  • FreedomMarks - Addon for Firefox and Chrome. No sync, just a client.
  • add-nextcloud-bookmarks - qutebrowser userscript that allows for easy bookmark creation




  • uMarks - App for Ubuntu touch


Talk to us on gitter, via matrix #nextcloud-bookmarks_community:gitter.im or in our official Talk channel



  • php 7.3 and above

PHP extensions:

  • intl: *
  • mbstring: *


Install this app in the app store of your nextcloud instance (you must have administrator privileges). You will find it in the 'Organization' category.

Manual install



cd /path/to/nextcloud/apps/
git clone https://github.com/nextcloud/bookmarks.git
cd bookmarks
composer install
npm install
npm run build


This app exposes a public REST API that third-party clients can interface with.

Head over to the API docs.



If you'd like to support the creation and maintenance of this software, consider donating.


We always welcome contributions. Have an issue or an idea for a feature? Let us know. Additionally, we happily accept pull requests.

In order to make the process run more smoothly, you can make sure of the following things:

  • Announce that you're working on a feature/bugfix in the relevant issue
  • Make sure the tests are passing
  • If you have any questions you can let the maintainers above know privately via email, or simply open an issue on github

Please read the Code of Conduct. This document offers some guidance to ensure Nextcloud participants can cooperate effectively in a positive and inspiring atmosphere, and to explain how together we can strengthen and support each other.

More information on how to contribute: https://nextcloud.com/contribute/

Happy hacking ❀️


This software is licensed under the terms of the AGPL written by the Free Software Foundation and available at COPYING.

  • Add

    Add "Folders" to Bookmarks to collect Bookmarks into Categories

    I find the Bookmarks feature really useful since I find myself in many different locations and on different computers. So I collect a large number of bookmarks.

    To help me organize my Bookmarks, I'd like to request a new "Folder" feature in Bookmarks so I can group related Bookmarks together. I'm attaching a picture to help explain this concept. This concept is very similar to how Firefox and Chrome organize bookmarks.


    I should probably mention I'm using OwnCloud 5.0.5 on OpenSUSE 12.2 x64 LAMP setup, and am brand new to OwnCloud.

    Thank you, Craig

    enhancement design 
    opened by craigarno 78
  • new ui

    new ui

    screenshot from 2018-01-28 14-57-16

    • [x] adding bookmarks (fixes #257)
    • [x] bookmark search (fixes #131, fixes #297)
    • [x] bulk editing (fixes #157)
      • [x] bulk deletion
      • [x] bulk tagging (fixes #12; fixes #286)
    • [x] Import & export
      • [x] Import: use fetch() API if available (fixes #423, fixes #80)
      • [x] Use new upload ui (fixes #255 )
    • [x] Responsive design (fixes #430)
    • [x] editing bookmarks (fixes #437)
    • [x] editing tags
    • [x] website images (fixes #292)
      • [x] grid view (fixes #55)
    • [x] translatability
    • [ ] accessibility
    • [x] advanced tag filter (fixes #168)
      • [ ] 'Untagged' menu item (do we really need this when we have bulk editing and no more reloads?)
    • [ ] ~~sharing (#5)~~


    git clone #-this-repo-#
    git checkout feature/new-ui
    composer install
    npm install
    npm run build

    old pr: #402

    opened by marcelklehr 62
  • Bookmarks Android App is broken

    Bookmarks Android App is broken

    Describe the bug @marcelklehr Looks like the bookmark API is broken for android app To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install nextcloud on docker
    2. Enable bookmark app
    3. Try to access via Endpoint API.
    4. Giving Errror

    2020-05-03 22:08:31.558 27693-27693/org.bisw.nxbookmarks D/ViewRootImpl@223ec4e[LoginAcitivty]: ViewPostIme pointer 0 2020-05-03 22:08:31.672 27693-27693/org.bisw.nxbookmarks D/ViewRootImpl@223ec4e[LoginAcitivty]: ViewPostIme pointer 1 2020-05-03 22:08:31.681 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks E/ocbookmarkstag: apiRootUrl value is https: 2020-05-03 22:08:31.683 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 2020-05-03 22:08:31.684 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false 2020-05-03 22:08:31.690 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: org.schabi.ocbookmarks.REST.RequestException: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to / 2020-05-03 22:08:31.690 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at org.schabi.ocbookmarks.REST.OCBookmarksRestConnector.send(OCBookmarksRestConnector.java:136) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at org.schabi.ocbookmarks.REST.OCBookmarksRestConnector.getRawBookmarks(OCBookmarksRestConnector.java:198) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at org.schabi.ocbookmarks.REST.OCBookmarksRestConnector.getBookmarks(OCBookmarksRestConnector.java:220) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at org.schabi.ocbookmarks.LoginAcitivty$TestLoginTask.doInBackground(LoginAcitivty.java:117) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at org.schabi.ocbookmarks.LoginAcitivty$TestLoginTask.doInBackground(LoginAcitivty.java:111) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$3.call(AsyncTask.java:378) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:289) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.691 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to / 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.io.RealConnection.connectSocket(RealConnection.java:1409) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.io.RealConnection.connect(RealConnection.java:1359) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.findConnection(StreamAllocation.java:221) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.findHealthyConnection(StreamAllocation.java:144) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.StreamAllocation.newStream(StreamAllocation.java:106) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:400) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.sendRequest(HttpEngine.java:333) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.execute(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:483) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getResponse(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:429) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.692 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpURLConnectionImpl.java:252) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.693 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.getInputStream(DelegatingHttpsURLConnection.java:211) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.693 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at com.android.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:30) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.693 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: at org.schabi.ocbookmarks.REST.OCBookmarksRestConnector.send(OCBookmarksRestConnector.java:126) 2020-05-03 22:08:31.693 27693-28005/org.bisw.nxbookmarks W/System.err: ... 10 more

    Expected behavior Normally Android App open the bookmarks list from the andrid app.

    Screenshots Screenshot 2020-05-03 at 22 22 02

    Server (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macos
    • HTTP server: [e.g. nginx 1.1]
    • Database [e.g. MySQL 5.3] Type: sqlite3 Version: 3.27.2
    • PHP version: [e.g. v7.2] Version: 7.3.17
    • Nextcloud version: [e.g. 15.0.1 (see Nextcloud admin page)] Nextcloud 18.0.4
    • Bookmarks app version: [e.g. 1.1.0 (see Nextcloud apps page)] 3.0.7
    • Activated Nextcloud Apps: [the output of running $ sudo -u www-data php occ app:list in your command line]
    • Nextcloud configuration: [the output of running sudo -u www-data php occ config:list system]
    • Nextcloud external user backend: [e.g. ldap, or none]
    opened by dasbiswajit 55
  • Add Sharing / Use share api [$145]

    Add Sharing / Use share api [$145]

    The Current version of bookmark does not allow to share bookmark using the sharing api.

    Let the user share a tag with users and using a "private link".

    Export a simple page with the bookmarks and an feed (atom, rss, ..) .

    There is a $145 open bounty on this issue. Add to the bounty at Bountysource.

    opened by eMerzh 55
  • v3.0.0 beta

    v3.0.0 beta

    Hello there,

    I'm happy to announce the first beta release of bookmarks v3.0.0, which most notably includes sharing among a few other goodies. (Update: You can only share folders: Click on folder 'details' and then go to the 'Sharing' tab)

    I would be glad to hear your feedback after trying it out in this thread as well as possible bugs in new issues. Don't forget to backup your database before trying this out!

    Requirements are:

    • PHP v7.2+
    • PHP extensions mbstring and intl
    • Nextcloud v17+

    Changes in this release are:

    • dac2cc7c2db177199bd82ecdfaec027b47c72f2b UI: Selection: Implement "select all" and "cancel selection"
    • cbdcbf1af0afea9f995eca8a43978c8898f899fb Better document how the screeenly api url looks like
    • 84e889a5f9d52f94ffeb5b0658cf9b7eef1fd842 Move UI: Automatically open current folder
    • 63ef98d745e9867f83e23905d46313f1a693f2c7 Implement bookmark counting endpoints and UI indicators
    • 18df1c1cf4a56e5893059dde4f70bacaa31fc5d3 Fix bookmark creation: Assign folders correctly
    • aa0963c3aef0bee254a7883ded7f91d8dc95ab86 Drop tables on uninstall
    • 796d6c8a268fa86965f7d2f08925fc55691aa178 Fix import and export
    • 93e2df6f923a62b778f2b0589cdd666b78e51c12 Allow editing URLs
    • 1ad192cfd394acf547e8dccee947472cd95d86cf Implement a full children endpoint
    • 79b2922d197d08463f239de77dd85a0cf2ee839d Breadcrumbs: -AddBookmark button +Add Folder/Bookmark dropdown
    • b543fab1803bb6092ffe73ebdac0cf06baf3933a Don't enable scraping by default
    • 6d656d3242ea8f34b9d8c3a193168c80214d1f94 Drop libgmp dependency
    • 768f311da5620379ea39a5e93f7eb7fa7fb854ed Implement hash caching
    • Implement sharing and public links
    • Major backend refactoring

    Update: Here's the link to beta 2: https://github.com/nextcloud/bookmarks/releases/tag/v3.0.0-beta.2

    Cheers! :space_invader:

    help wanted 
    opened by marcelklehr 47
  • Auth error with API: Sync with Floccus stopped working with bookmarks 3

    Auth error with API: Sync with Floccus stopped working with bookmarks 3

    Describe the bug Today I updated bookmarks in my NC installation to 3.0.2 and now on all of my computers I get an sync error in floccus on firefox. Error Code: E018 Authentification failed. I deleted my floccus account set up a new one but same error. I had no issues until updating to bookmarks 3 so I don't think it's on my side.

    By the way, thanks for the work on that great app!!

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Update to Bookmarks 3.0.2
    2. Sync with Floccus extension on Firefox

    Expected behavior Sync should be ok.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: MacOS X Catalina
    • Browser Firefox
    • Version 75

    Server (please complete the following information):

    • OS: linux shared hosting
    • HTTP server: nginx
    • Database MySQL 5.3
    • PHP version: 7.3.11
    • Nextcloud version: 18.0.4
    • Bookmarks app version: 3.0.2
    opened by Jolopu 35
  • cron.php getting stuck running CrawlJob

    cron.php getting stuck running CrawlJob

    Describe the bug Every 12 hours, when cron.php attempts to run CrawlJob, it gets stuck. Subsequent cron jobs will not run until it completes, so I get messages in Basic Settings -> Background jobs to the effect of "cron has not run in 10 hours, something looks wrong". Upon noticing that cron.php is stuck, I manually kill the php7 process, and cron.php runs normally at the next scheduled time and continues to do so for 12 more hours.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Set up cron to run cron.php every 5 minutes
    2. Upgrade to Bookmarks 4.1.0 (Not really sure when the issue started, took me a while to figure out it was related to the Bookmarks App.)
    3. Wait for cron.php to execute CrawlJob (I don't know why it does not run every 5 minutes, but in oc_jobs, last_checked == last_run == reserved_at == the last time cron.php ran and is now stuck.
    4. See error

    Expected behavior cron.php should run CrawlJob to completion, or report an error and quit so that cron.php may run again in the future.

    Screenshots User http's crontab:

    # crontab -l -u http
    */5  *  *  *  * /usr/bin/php7 -f /usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/cron.php &> /dev/null
    7-57/15  *  *  *  * /usr/bin/php7 /usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/occ preview:pre-generate &> /dev/null

    CrawlJob entry in oc_jobs:

    $ mysql -uxxxxxxxx -pxxxxxxxx -D nextcloud -e 'select * from oc_jobs where reserved_at > 0;'
    | id    | class                                 | argument | last_run   | last_checked | reserved_at | execution_duration |
    | 13377 | OCA\Bookmarks\BackgroundJobs\CrawlJob | null     | 1618222913 |   1618222913 |  1618222913 |                  0 |

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Arch Linux
    • Browser: Firefox
    • Version: 87

    Server (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Arch Linux
    • HTTP server: nginx-mainline 1.19.9-1
    • Database: mariadb 10.5.9-1
    • PHP version: php7 7.4.16-1
    • Nextcloud version: 20.0.8
    • Bookmarks app version: 4.1.0
    • Activated Nextcloud Apps: [the output of running $ sudo -u www-data php occ app:list in your command line]
    # runuser -u http -- php7 /usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/occ app:list
     - accessibility: 1.6.0
     - activity: 2.13.4
     - announcementcenter: 4.0.1
     - apporder: 0.12.0
     - bookmarks: 4.1.0
     - bruteforcesettings: 2.1.0
     - calendar: 2.2.0
     - carnet: 0.23.8
     - cloud_federation_api: 1.3.0
     - cms_pico: 1.0.15
     - comments: 1.10.0
     - contacts: 3.5.1
     - contactsinteraction: 1.1.0
     - cookbook: 0.8.4
     - dashboard: 7.0.0
     - dav: 1.16.2
     - federatedfilesharing: 1.10.2
     - federation: 1.10.1
     - files: 1.15.0
     - files_markdown: 2.3.3
     - files_pdfviewer: 2.0.1
     - files_rightclick: 0.17.0
     - files_sharing: 1.12.2
     - files_texteditor: 2.14.0
     - files_trashbin: 1.10.1
     - files_versions: 1.13.0
     - files_videoplayer: 1.9.0
     - firstrunwizard: 2.9.0
     - logreader: 2.5.0
     - lookup_server_connector: 1.8.0
     - nextcloud_announcements: 1.9.0
     - notes: 4.0.4
     - notifications: 2.8.0
     - oauth2: 1.8.0
     - password_policy: 1.10.1
     - passwords: 2021.4.0
     - phonetrack: 0.6.7
     - photos: 1.2.3
     - previewgenerator: 3.1.1
     - privacy: 1.4.0
     - provisioning_api: 1.10.0
     - recommendations: 0.8.0
     - serverinfo: 1.10.0
     - settings: 1.2.0
     - sharebymail: 1.10.0
     - spreed: 10.0.6
     - support: 1.3.0
     - survey_client: 1.8.0
     - systemtags: 1.10.0
     - tasks: 0.13.6
     - text: 3.1.0
     - theming: 1.11.0
     - twofactor_backupcodes: 1.9.0
     - unsplash: 1.2.2
     - updatenotification: 1.10.0
     - user_status: 1.0.1
     - viewer: 1.4.0
     - weather: 1.7.5
     - weather_status: 1.0.0
     - workflowengine: 2.2.0
     - admin_audit
     - dicomviewer
     - encryption
     - files_external
     - user_ldap
    • Nextcloud configuration: [the output of running sudo -u www-data php occ config:list system]
    # runuser -u http -- php7 /usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/occ config:list system
        "system": {
            "instanceid": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "trusted_domains": [
            "datadirectory": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "defaultapp": "apporder",
            "overwrite.cli.url": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "dbtype": "mysql",
            "version": "",
            "logtimezone": "UTC",
            "log_rotate_size": 16777216,
            "loglevel": 0,
            "memcache.local": "\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu",
            "asset-pipeline.enabled": false,
            "session_lifetime": 21600,
            "session_keepalive": true,
            "installed": true,
            "theme": "",
            "maintenance": false,
            "htaccess.RewriteBase": "\/nextcloud",
            "mail_smtpmode": "smtp",
            "mail_smtpauthtype": "LOGIN",
            "mail_smtpsecure": "ssl",
            "mail_from_address": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "mail_domain": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "mail_smtphost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "mail_smtpport": "465",
            "mail_smtpauth": 1,
            "mail_smtpname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "mail_smtppassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "enable_previews": true,
            "preview_max_x": 1024,
            "preview_max_y": 1024,
            "dbname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "dbhost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "has_rebuilt_cache": true,
            "mysql.utf8mb4": true,
            "encryption.legacy_format_support": false,
            "encryption.key_storage_migrated": false,
            "trashbin_retention_obligation": "auto, 180"
    • Nextcloud external user backend: none

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    Web server error log


    Nextcloud log (nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log)

    I've not noticed any messages in nextcloud.log related to CrawlJob. It rolls over too fast due to all the OCP\SabrePluginEvent info messages generated.

    Browser log

    bug awaiting confirmation 
    opened by donb9000 34
  • Upgraded to 3.4.7 deleted all bookmarks

    Upgraded to 3.4.7 deleted all bookmarks

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    To Reproduce

    1. Deleted from 3.4.6 to 3.4.7 and now all bookmarks are gone.
    2. Tested on laptop + desktop each with Brave / Firefox and same results.

    Expected behavior I can see the bookmarks in Nextcloud "Recent" page, but all folders are gone

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


    Desktop (please complete the following information): OS Linux

    Server (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Debian 9
    • HTTP server: Apache 2
    • Database: MySQL 10.1
    • PHP version: v7.2
    • Nextcloud version: 19.0.4
    • Bookmarks app version: 3.4.7
    • Activated Nextcloud Apps: [the output of running $ sudo -u www-data php occ app:list in your command line]
    • Nextcloud configuration: [the output of running sudo -u www-data php occ config:list system]
    • Nextcloud external user backend: [e.g. ldap, or none]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by bstin 34
  • bookmark import failing

    bookmark import failing

    OC 5 fails to import my bookmark html-file that I exported from firefox. Anyone else having problems?

    When it happens, I only get

    SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 7 ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(140) at [...]/lib/db.php#1031

    in the log

    From the bookmark app code I guess that's a problem with the bookmark title. Any particular reason the title does not have a maximum size of 4k, too?

    opened by mmehnert 33
  • Option to keep using a list view [$5 awarded]

    Option to keep using a list view [$5 awarded]


    First, thanks for your recent work in the app. It is great to see that it is coming back to life.

    Even though I really like the new tiled view, it would be great to keep the option of the classic list view (or some kind of list view). For some of us it is easier to read.


    Thanks again

    The $5 bounty on this issue has been claimed at Bountysource.

    opened by nachoparker 32
  • Bookmark Rewrite / Refactoring for App Framework

    Bookmark Rewrite / Refactoring for App Framework

    Hello there,

    the reason for this rewrite was the request of a friend who wanted to access his bookmarks remotely in json formatting to use them in his WordPress Plugin (https://github.com/mario-nolte/oc2wp-bookmarks).

    While working on this i decided to refactor everything to make use of the app framework because of its routing features. The app now features a restful api but still includes some legacy routes, so that for example the android bookmark app still works.

    Check out the full code: https://github.com/ganomi/bookmarks

    Features: Dependency Injection for user and db is used througout the controllers The Routing features a consistent rest api The Routing provides some legacy routes, so that for exampe the Android Bookmarks App still works. There is a publicly available api that provides access to bookmarks per user. (This is usefull in connection with the WP Plugin https://github.com/mario-nolte/oc2wp-bookmarks)

    This pull request now also features all the changes from Pull Request https://github.com/owncloud/bookmarks/pull/68 as well and all fixes to keep the original style and usability.

    ready to review 
    opened by ganomi 32
  • Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.1.4 to 8.1.5

    Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.1.4 to 8.1.5

    Bumps @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.1.4 to 8.1.5.

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​nextcloud/eslint-config's releases.


    v8.1.5 (2023-01-02)

    Full Changelog

    Dependency updates:


    Sourced from @​nextcloud/eslint-config's changelog.

    v8.1.5 (2023-01-02)

    Full Changelog

    Dependency updates:

    • e547438 8.1.5
    • cb20424 Merge pull request #430 from nextcloud/audit-fix
    • 7c203aa Update deps
    • a8ec000 Merge pull request #429 from nextcloud/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/babel/core-7.20.7
    • 0b8f7bf Bump @​babel/core from 7.20.5 to 7.20.7
    • 3bd6585 Merge pull request #428 from nextcloud/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-8.30.0
    • a908e39 Bump eslint from 8.29.0 to 8.30.0
    • 5b9b1da Merge pull request #427 from nextcloud/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-8.29.0
    • dfcd350 Bump eslint from 8.28.0 to 8.29.0
    • 3c1c61a Merge pull request #426 from nextcloud/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-plugin-...
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot will merge this PR once CI passes on it, as requested by @nextcloud-command.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump @nextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1

    Bump @nextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1

    Bumps @nextcloud/router from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1.


    Sourced from @​nextcloud/router's changelog.

    2.0.1 - 2022-12-28

    Full Changelog


    • fix: fix window variable definition


    • Add documentation link to Readme
    • Add NPM image to readme
    • chore: upgrade lockfile to version 2
    • Dependency updates
    • feat: add node test
    • feat: fixup commits check
    • fix: fix docs generation
    Maintainer changes

    This version was pushed to npm by skjnldsv, a new releaser for @​nextcloud/router since your current version.

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot will merge this PR once CI passes on it, as requested by @nextcloud-command.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump @nextcloud/vue from 7.2.0 to 7.3.0

    Bump @nextcloud/vue from 7.2.0 to 7.3.0

    Bumps @nextcloud/vue from 7.2.0 to 7.3.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​nextcloud/vue's releases.


    v7.3.0 (2022-12-23)

    Full Changelog

    :rocket: Enhancements

    :bug: Fixed bugs

    • Fix CheckboxHeight #3584 (jotoeri)
    • Add more space for unread counter so its aligned with action menu #3572 (GretaD)

    Sourced from @​nextcloud/vue's changelog.

    v7.3.0 (2022-12-23)

    Full Changelog

    :rocket: Enhancements

    :bug: Fixed bugs

    • Fix CheckboxHeight #3584 (jotoeri)
    • Add more space for unread counter so its aligned with action menu #3572 (GretaD)
    • e599988 Merge pull request #3592 from nextcloud/v7.3.0
    • eff849e v7.3.0
    • 020c7ca Merge pull request #3584 from nextcloud/fix/checkbox_height
    • 0976fad Merge pull request #3569 from nextcloud/enh/3550-Adapt_several_NC_Vue_compone...
    • b089386 Adapt several components for showing native tooltip
    • 94f2c9a Merge pull request #3589 from nextcloud/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/vue-styleguid...
    • bffc998 Merge pull request #3588 from nextcloud/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/cypress/webpa...
    • 37bca2d Bump vue-styleguidist from 4.54.3 to 4.56.2
    • 2b21cfe Bump @​cypress/webpack-preprocessor from 5.15.7 to 5.16.0
    • 6963935 Merge pull request #3585 from nextcloud/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/sass-1.57.1
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot will merge this PR once CI passes on it, as requested by @nextcloud-command.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump sanitize-html from 2.7.3 to 2.8.1

    Bump sanitize-html from 2.7.3 to 2.8.1

    Bumps sanitize-html from 2.7.3 to 2.8.1.


    Sourced from sanitize-html's changelog.

    2.8.1 (2022-12-21)

    • If the argument is a number, convert it to a string, for backwards compatibility. Thanks to Alexander Schranz.

    2.8.0 (2022-12-12)

    • Upgrades htmlparser2 to new major version ^8.0.0. Thanks to Kedar Chandrayan for this contribution.

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot will merge this PR once CI passes on it, as requested by @nextcloud-command.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies javascript 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Configurable maximum size of downloaded file

    Configurable maximum size of downloaded file

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Bookmarks app does not download files larger than 90 KB. This is related to a bug in the CrawlService.php, where the comment says the maximum size is 90MiB but its only 90 KB. https://github.com/nextcloud/bookmarks/blob/cb6663202b7ca80f389711221362b1bab0fb8a59/lib/Service/CrawlService.php#L33

    Describe the solution you'd like Allow users to specify the maximum size in the setting

    Describe alternatives you've considered Fix the bug in the code.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    opened by 6b5d 0
  • Bump cirrus-actions/rebase from 1.7 to 1.8

    Bump cirrus-actions/rebase from 1.7 to 1.8

    Bumps cirrus-actions/rebase from 1.7 to 1.8.

    Release notes

    Sourced from cirrus-actions/rebase's releases.


    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/cirrus-actions/rebase/compare/1.7...1.8


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    dependencies github_actions 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • v12.0.0(Dec 13, 2022)

    Say hello to Bookmarks v12.

    Breaking changes

    • Drop support for nc < v25
    • Remove projects support


    • Implement sorting by URL
    • Fix archived files UX
    • Fix bookmarkslist getting emptied when folderoverview is hidden/shown
    • Make search available on public links
    • Upgrade to new NC25 design


    • Remove ExtractFromNotesJob
    • Fix WorkflowEngine integration
    • ItemSkeleton: Fix background color on dark theme
    • Update readability.php
    • More translations
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-12.0.0.tar.gz(4.11 MB)
  • v11.0.4(Oct 11, 2022)

  • v11.0.3(Sep 24, 2022)

  • v11.0.2(Sep 19, 2022)

  • v11.0.1(Jul 28, 2022)

  • v11.0.0(Jul 27, 2022)


    • BookmarkMapper#findAll: Implement recursive query

    Breaking changes

    • Breaks compatibility with MySQL 5.7, MySQL 8 (or MariaDB 10.2.2) is now required


    • Implement virtual scrolling
    • First load time improvement: Load settings using initial state
    • Bookmark: Show globe symbol while loading screenshot


    • BgJob: Do not check notes if user has no bookmarks
    • UI: Better sizing of Bookmark fallback background
    • UI: Fix Item alignment in list view
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-11.0.0.tar.gz(5.89 MB)
  • v10.5.1(Jun 24, 2022)

  • v10.5.0(Jun 22, 2022)


    • Add ClearPreviews command
    • UI: Implement folder tree in AppContentList


    • UI: Add "K" to bookmarks count
    • CrawlService: Make sure archived files always have a file ext
    • Fix BackupJob check
    • BookmarkMapper#findAll: Implement recursive query. Should fix some performance problems
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-10.5.0.tar.gz(5.86 MB)
  • v10.4.0(Jun 8, 2022)


    • "Copy link" menu option for bookmarks


    • ExtractFomNotes: Change warning to debug log message
    • Disable Backup by default
    • Navigation: Display large numbers as "10.2K"
    • Sync performance: BookmarkService#create: Don't crawl new bookmarks directly but add IndividualCrawlJob
    • New translations from from transifex
    • Update dependencies
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-10.4.0.tar.gz(5.51 MB)
  • v10.3.1(Apr 19, 2022)

  • v10.3.0(Apr 16, 2022)

  • v10.2.1(Mar 26, 2022)


    • Implement bookmarks backup to Files
    • Feature: Show and count duplicates
    • Allow linking bookmarks and bookmark folders to projects
    • Automatically link bookmarks to notes that contain the URL
    • Search: Use AND conjunction
    • LockManager: Timeout locks automatically
    • UX: Directly crawl bookmark upon creation
    • Previewers: Set log level to debug
    • User settings: Remove 'clear all data'
    • UX: Add explainers for SHARED_FOLDERS and UNAVAILABLE routes
    • SidebarBookmark: Polish folder details
    • SidebarBookmark: Allow clicking link


    • FoldersController#getFolders: Fix parent_folder values of root-level folders
    • Fix SHARED_FOLDERS view
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-10.2.1.tar.gz(5.48 MB)
  • v10.1.0(Mar 1, 2022)


    • Integrate with Nextcloud Talk: Allow bookmarking mentioned links
    • Add FirstRun view
    • Implement Shared folders filter
    • Remember whether user has seen scraping settings notification
    • Support right click on items
    • Add option for setting Pageres ENV vars


    • AdminSettings: Use initialState to load settings
    • BookmarkController: Remove hierarchy limit for public links
    • UX: Don't open details of newly created bookmark
    • Improve folder moving UX
    • Improve loading UX
    • Improve drag and drop UX
    • UI: Polish bookmarks description in overview
    • Update marcelklehr/link-preview
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-10.1.0.tar.gz(5.71 MB)
  • 10.0.3(Dec 4, 2021)


    • App info: Mark as compatible with nc 23
    • Fix getPermissionsOfFolder: Use correct share
    • Fix Bookmark creation
    • Update @nextcloud/vue
    • UX: Highlight possible drop targets before hovering over them
    • Fix UX: Only display back button when viewing a folder
    • Fix "sharing folder doesn't display contents"
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-10.0.3.tar.gz(5.23 MB)
  • v10.0.2(Oct 18, 2021)

  • v10.0.1(Oct 6, 2021)

  • v10.0.0(Sep 21, 2021)


    • Add "Add to folders" action for bookmarks
    • API: Implement locking


    • Update browserlist
    • Update dependencies
    • BookmarkService: Don't update bookmark if there have been no changes
    • Disable drag-and-drop when renaming item
    • SidebarBookmark: Show which folders a bookmark belongs to
    • Fix: Don't hide search behind bookmark details
    • Major version bump to v10 to fix release tags in accordance with semantic versioning
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-10.0.0.tar.gz(5.41 MB)
  • v4.4.1(Aug 22, 2021)

  • v4.4.0(Jul 26, 2021)


    • Use webpack code splitting for faster loading times
    • bookmark endpoint: Improve performance by introducing supporting query
    • DB: Add new composite index for bookmarks_shared_folders (performance optimzation)
    • Switch to npm7 and use latests global configs


    • NoBookmarks view: Don't display import and sync buttons in public view
    • Fix: Adding same bookmark second time removes preexisting tags
    • Fix input.focus error
    • Fix hash endpoint: Allow hashing with tags
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-4.4.0.tar.gz(5.38 MB)
  • v4.3.0(Jul 18, 2021)


    • Support Nextcloud 22 :tada:
    • New screenshots :camera:


    • Fix OrphanedTreeItemsRepairStep
    • Fix multiselect in sidebar (see #1554) :face_with_head_bandage:
    • Fix uncaught UrlParseErrors (see #1598) :face_with_head_bandage:
    • API: Permission errors now have status 403 instead of 405 (see #1602) :face_with_head_bandage:
    • Add clickcount db index (see #1588) :face_with_head_bandage:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-4.3.0.tar.gz(6.50 MB)
  • v4.2.2(Jun 10, 2021)


    • Fix OrphanedTreeItemsRepairStep
    • Switch out readability.php (#1563)
    • Fix BulkEditing covering MoveDialog
    • Add description to "Install on home screen"
    • UX: Navigation: re-add Search tags menu item
    • UI: Performance: Don't load children order unnecessarily
    • UX: Improve initial load time
    • Fix tag filter query performance issue
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-4.2.2.tar.gz(6.49 MB)
  • v4.2.1(May 17, 2021)

  • v4.2.0(May 10, 2021)


    • UX: Implement drag and drop for moving items
    • UI: Add visual indicators for sharee privileges
    • UX: Add note for admins if scraping is disabled
    • UX: Allow dragging bookmarks onto tags
    • UX: Allow creating new tags in main menu (optimistically)
    • UX: Optimistically add bookmark to list when creating
    • UI: Move Sort order from settings to Controls
    • Dashboard: Add 'frequent bookmarks' widget
    • Implement full-text archiving of HTML pages


    • Updated translations from transifex :hearts:
    • Authorizer: Check token first, then check user credentials
    • BookmarkService: Keep tags when moving across share boundaries
    • Migration: Ensure all tables have primary key
    • CrawlJob: Set some time and size limits for archiving content
    • Fix: Recover from multiple root folders
    • Fix OrphanedTreeItemsRepairStep: Reinsert lost bookmarks instead of deleting them
    • UI: Display archived content in full-page overlay
    • UI: Change "Archived" to "Files" menu entry (+new icon)
    • UX: Refactor and improve folder picker
    • UX: Bookmarklet: Adjust window height
    • UI: Remove frustrating paddings from Item.vue
    • UI: Don't cover bookmark titles when there's many tags
    • UX: Don't display spinners for the first 500ms
    • UX: Improve speed of moving items
    • UX: Make sharing visible in folder menu
    • UX: Move BulkEditing to the left
    • UI: Fix getPermissionsForFolder
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-4.2.0.tar.gz(6.48 MB)
  • v4.1.0(Feb 19, 2021)

  • v4.0.8(Jan 26, 2021)

  • v4.0.7(Jan 26, 2021)


    • TreeMapper: Cache children & childrenOrder
    • TreeMapper: Fix Folder deletion; Don't leak deleted bookmarks
    • Dependency updates
    • UI: Use unified search input
    • Performance: More caching
    • NoBookmarks view: Link to floccus
    • Translation updates
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.6(Jan 19, 2021)


    • Fix autofocus in Create{Bookmark|Folder}
    • Fix moving folders across share borders
    • Fix creating a new folder, when no folders exist yet
    • Fix: Remove a tag from all displayed bookmarks when deleting it from the app
    • Fix Bookmark Notes: Don't loose line breaks
    • API: Report success if item to delete is already deleted
    • Fix ScreenshotMachineBookmarkPreviewer
    • Fix: Actually Count bookmark clicks
    • Fix: pageres bookmark previewer
    • ViewAdmin: add link to github of pageres
    • Update dependencies
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    bookmarks-4.0.6.tar.gz(2.66 MB)
  • v4.0.5(Nov 4, 2020)

πŸ“±β˜οΈπŸ’» A safe home for all your data – community-driven, free & open source πŸ‘
Minimalistic bookmark manager for your own server written in PHP. Bookmarks are stored in a sqlite database.

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Your self-hosted bookmark archive. Free and open source.

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Sample application to bookmark links, where interface build with Angular.js + Twitter Bootstrap and server powered by PHP with Slim Framework

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