It's a beautiful way to use powerful Linux/Unix tools in PHP



What is it?

It's a beautiful way to use powerful Linux/Unix tools in PHP. Easily and logically pipe commands together, capture errors as PHP Exceptions and use a simple yet powerful syntax. Works with any command line tool automagically.


  • Flexible and sexy syntax.
  • Exceptions are thrown if the executable returns an error.
  • Paths to binaries are automatically resolved.
  • All arguments are properly escaped.
  • Callback functions for streaming output.


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use MrRio\ShellWrap as sh;

// List all files in current dir
echo sh::ls();

// Checkout a branch in git
sh::git('checkout', 'master');

// You can also pipe the output of one command, into another
// This downloads through cURL, follows location, then pipes through grep to 
// filter for 'html'
echo sh::grep('html', sh::curl('', array(
	'location' => true

// Touch a file to create it

// Remove file

// Remove file again (this fails, and throws an exception because the file doesn't exist)

try {
} catch (ShellWrapException $e) {
	echo 'Caught failing sh::rm() call';

// This throws an exception, as 'invalidoption' is not a valid argument
try {
	echo sh::ls(array('invalidoption' => true));
} catch (ShellWrapException $e) {
	echo 'Caught failing sh::ls() call';

// Commands can be written multiple ways
sh::git('reset', array('hard' => true), 'HEAD');
sh::git('reset', '--hard', 'HEAD');
sh::git(array('reset', '--hard', 'HEAD'));

// Arguments passed in are automatically escaped, this expands to
// date --date '2012-10-10 10:00:00'
echo sh::date(array(
	'date' => '2012-10-10 10:00:00'

// If arg keys are one letter, is assumes one dash prefixing it
// date -d '2012-10-10 10:00:00'
echo sh::date(array(
	'd' => '2012-10-10 10:00:00'


Example: Tailing a file and adding timestamps to output

You can stream the output of a command into a callback function. For example:

sh::tail('-f log', function($in) {
	echo "\033[32m" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\033[39m " . $in;

Make sure the file 'log' exists. This will output a timestamp, and the input. Try echoing into the log file.

The escape codes are to add a little colour to the terminal.

Interactive Shell

ShellWrap also ships with an interactive shell mode. You can access this by typing:



Don't use any user inputted data with these commands. Even with very paranoid filtering, you can't know all the potential pitfalls of each command you're using. Use your noggin.


Inspired by the Python project sh by Andrew Moffat

  • Original namespace

    Original namespace

    I'm using this wrapper for myself. I've created a composer package installable from I've created this branch to keep your namespace and contribute my changes. If you want them. Here is what I did:

    • added .gitignore
    • made it psr-0 compatible
    • ready to add to
    • passed through php-cs-fixer (minor fixes, indentation, etc)
    • moved ShellWrap.php to src/MrRio for autoloading
    • moved examples to new directory
    • added LC_ALL=en_US to testDate() to avoid error in non-english environment

    NOTE: The diff on ShellWrap is the complete file due to directory changes..

    opened by guumaster 2
  • specify current working directory explicitly when executing shell commands

    specify current working directory explicitly when executing shell commands

    If you use function chdir() to change working directory to a different directory first, following two statements should still return same directories. However, in Travis CI they return different directories back (the 2nd one returns the directory where the PHP script was invoked).

    1. getcwd()
    2. (string) ShellWrap::pwd()

    Thus we need to have the 4th parameter (getcwd()) specified explicitly here, also ideally it's unnecessary.

    opened by deminy 0
  • Magic method __toString() must return a string

    Magic method __toString() must return a string

    In some PHP IDE (e.g., PhpStorm) you may see that method _\MrRio\ShellWrap::_toString() is highlighted with notification saying

    __toString() method must return a string

    This could be triggered with following code piece where no actual shell command invoked:

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    echo (new MrRio\ShellWrap());

    Although in reality people may not make method calls like that, it's better to get it fix to make variables consistent. Property \MrRio\ShellWrap::$output should be initialized and used as a string but not an array, as in the fix.

    opened by deminy 0
  • Composer >1.3.0 compatibility

    Composer >1.3.0 compatibility

    I've opened an issue against Boris here, however, I am also going open an issue here for anyone else experiencing this. When using shell wrap with a composer version >1.3.0, PHP gets reloaded to disable XDebug and causes an error to be thrown in the terminal. E.g.,

    PHP Warning:  Module 'pcntl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
    Warning: Module 'pcntl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

    As Boris is only used for the interactive debugger, is there any chance of a workaround? Boris hasn't had any commits or changes in years, maybe Psysh would be a good drop-in replacement?

    opened by barchard 1
  • Skip saving output to variable when using callback function

    Skip saving output to variable when using callback function

    My case is currently that I'm streaming use log files using sh::cat() and using a callback closure to pass the data (after a filter) to an PHPExcel object. The log files can easily get over 500MB. Looking through the code it seems that even when using a callback/closure, the output of the cat command still gets saved to a variable, making memory usage go up and up.

    I cannot grep on the log files as it's filled with IDs, possible conflicting with other data in the same line.

    Is this currently possible in a less memory consuming way? Else I'm also willing to submit a PR with some extra functionality on this. Reasoning could be that when streaming through a closure, no need is left to save things to the self::$output variable.

    opened by stefandoorn 0
  • Alternative piping syntax

    Alternative piping syntax

    echo sh::grep('html', sh::curl('', array(
        'location' => true

    In current API I don't like 2 things:

    1. inverted order of commands (grep -> curl) when actually curl | grep is intended
    2. "wrap" or functional style a(b(c()))

    It would be nice to have fluid API like this

    sh::curl('')->pipe('grep', 'html')->pipe('whatever');


    sh::curl('')->sh('grep', 'html')->sh('whatever');



    @MrRio what do you think?

    opened by Mihailoff 1
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