Laravel package for Hashids


Hashids for Laravel 4

This package uses the classes created by

Generate hashes from numbers, like YouTube or Bitly. Use hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.


Begin by installing the package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require mitch/hashids.

"require": {
  "mitch/hashids": "1.x"

Next use Composer to update your project from the the Terminal:

php composer.phar update

Once the package has been installed you'll need to add the service provider. Open your app/config/app.php configuration file, and add a new item to the providers array.


After doing this you also need to add an alias. In your app/config/app.php file, add this to the aliases array.

'Hashids' => 'Mitch\Hashids\Hashids'

Now last but not least you need to publish to package configuration from your Terminal:

php artisan config:publish mitch/hashids


Once you've followed all the steps and completed the installation you can use Hashids.


You can simply encrypt on id:

Hashids::encode(1); // Creating hash... Ri7Bi

or multiple..

Hashids::encode(1, 21, 12, 12, 666); // Creating hash... MMtaUpSGhdA


It's the same thing but the other way around:


// Returns
array (size=1)
  0 => int 1

or multiple..


// Returns
array (size=5)
  0 => int 1
  1 => int 21
  2 => int 12
  3 => int 12
  4 => int 666

Injecting Hashids

Now it's also possible to have Hashids injected into your class. Lets look at this controller as an example..

class ExampleController extends BaseController
    protected $hashids;

    public function __construct(Hashids\Hashids $hashids)
        $this->hashids = $hashids;

    public function getIndex()
        $hash = $this->hashids->encode(1);
        return View::make('example.index', compact('hash'));

The original classname and namespace has been bound in the IoC container to return our instantiated Hashids class.

Using IoC

Create a Hashids instance with the IoC


That's it!

Documentation about Hashids can be found here.

Thanks to Ivan Akimov (@ivanakimov) for making Hashids. All credits for the Hashids package go to him.

  • Unable to Install, Version Satisfiable

    Unable to Install, Version Satisfiable


    i've put my require like this '' mitch/hashids": "dev-master" '' but the result error like this when running composer update

    Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

    Problem 1 - Removal request for hashids/hashids == 0.3.9999999.9999999-dev - Removal request for hashids/hashids == 9999999-dev - mitch/hashids dev-master requires hashids/hashids * -> satisfiable by hashids/hashids[0.3.x-dev, dev-master]. - Installation request for mitch/hashids dev-master -> satisfiable by mitch/hashids[dev-master].

    opened by fer-ri 4
  • Composer Errors

    Composer Errors

    Hey there,

    If I set composer require as:

    "mitch/hashids": "1.x"

    I get this error

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - The requested package mitch/hashids could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.

    If I use "mitch/hashids": "1.*@dev"

    Then I get the following error:

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Installation request for mitch/hashids 1.*@dev -> satisfiable by mitch/hashids[1.x-dev].
        - mitch/hashids 1.x-dev requires hashids/hashids 0.3.x -> no matching package found.
    opened by alexleonard 3
  • Compability for PHP 5.3.*

    Compability for PHP 5.3.*

    Call to protected method Mitch\Hashids\HashidsServiceProvider::getSalt() from context

    This happens on my webserver which uses php 5.3.17, not sure when it was fixed.


    Currently I replaced the functions to public to fix the issue, but not sure that a pullable idea.

    opened by hisorange 2
  • Move settings to separate config

    Move settings to separate config

    Currently it requires changes to start.php, which will get overwritten whenever you upgrade bundles. Instead, please implement support for application/config/hashids.php

    opened by syphernl 2
  • Updating For Laravel 5

    Updating For Laravel 5

    This should be all the changes necessary to make this package compatible with Laravel 5, plus some tweaks to the readme, which I can revert if you would like.

    opened by rydurham 1
  • App Key accessed incorrectly in HashidsServiceProvider

    App Key accessed incorrectly in HashidsServiceProvider

    The latest commit results in the following error when trying to use hashids :

    log.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with message 'Cannot use object of type Mitch\Hashids\HashidsServiceProvider as array'

    I believe this can be fixed by changing $me['config'] to $me->app['config'] on line 33 in HashidsServiceProvider.php (assuming you meant to use the Laravel app key as the hashids salt).

    opened by cubicleWar 1
  • Problems loading config

    Problems loading config

    Unfortunatly i'm unable to load hashids, the following error occurs.

    Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException Using $this when not in object context

    The error occurs on line 45 of HashidsServiceProvider.php. I was able to fix (workaround) this, bij replacing line 45 by:

    return \Config::get('hashids::salt');

    Any idea why this error occurs?

    opened by MichMich 1
  • Unable to upgrade

    Unable to upgrade

    Composer seems unable to upgrade this package.

    Problem 1 - mitch/hashids dev-master requires hashids/hashids 0.3.@dev -> no matching package found. - mitch/hashids dev-master requires hashids/hashids 0.3.@dev -> no matching package found. - Installation request for mitch/hashids dev-master -> satisfiable by mitch/hashids[dev-master].

    Any idea how to solve this? Thanks!

    opened by MichMich 1
  • Upgraded hashids.php and removed version specific code from start.php

    Upgraded hashids.php and removed version specific code from start.php

    I upgraded hashids.php to version 0.2.1.

    Went in and changed start.php to remove version specific code as it is no longer needed.

    Removed: hashids.php-5-3.php

    Tested on PHP version 5.3.21 and 5.4.11 using the following code:

    $hash = $hasher->encrypt(1, 2, 3, 4);
    echo "<pre>" . print_r($hash, true) . "</pre>";
    echo "<pre>" . print_r($hasher->decrypt($hash), true) . "</pre>";
    opened by tplaner 0
  • Allow optional custom salt

    Allow optional custom salt

    Because I'm using this package in conjunction with the JS version, on the client side, I need to have matching salts but don't wish to expose my app's secret key to the world. This will now look for a package config specific salt before falling back to the app key.

    Also mentioned in #21.

    opened by millar 1
  • Laravel 5

    Laravel 5

    This package won't install on Laravel 5.

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Conclusion: remove laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - mitch/hashids 1.0 requires illuminate/support 4.x -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[4.0.x-dev, 4.1.x-dev, 4.2.x-dev], illuminate/support[4.0.x-dev, 4.1.x-dev, 4.2.x-dev, v4.0.0, v4.0.0-BETA2, v4.0.0-BETA3, v4.0.0-BETA4, v4.0.1, v4.0.10, v4.0.2, v4.0.3, v4.0.4, v4.0.5, v4.0.6, v4.0.7, v4.0.8, v4.0.9, v4.1.0, v4.1.1, v4.1.10, v4.1.11, v4.1.12, v4.1.13, v4.1.14, v4.1.15, v4.1.16, v4.1.17, v4.1.18, v4.1.19, v4.1.2, v4.1.20, v4.1.21, v4.1.22, v4.1.23, v4.1.24, v4.1.25, v4.1.26, v4.1.27, v4.1.28, v4.1.29, v4.1.3, v4.1.30, v4.1.4, v4.1.5, v4.1.6, v4.1.7, v4.1.8, v4.1.9, v4.2.0-BETA1, v4.2.1, v4.2.2, v4.2.3, v4.2.4, v4.2.5, v4.2.6, v4.2.7, v4.2.8, v4.2.9].
        - mitch/hashids 1.x-dev requires illuminate/support 4.x -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[4.0.x-dev, 4.1.x-dev, 4.2.x-dev], illuminate/support[4.0.x-dev, 4.1.x-dev, 4.2.x-dev, v4.0.0, v4.0.0-BETA2, v4.0.0-BETA3, v4.0.0-BETA4, v4.0.1, v4.0.10, v4.0.2, v4.0.3, v4.0.4, v4.0.5, v4.0.6, v4.0.7, v4.0.8, v4.0.9, v4.1.0, v4.1.1, v4.1.10, v4.1.11, v4.1.12, v4.1.13, v4.1.14, v4.1.15, v4.1.16, v4.1.17, v4.1.18, v4.1.19, v4.1.2, v4.1.20, v4.1.21, v4.1.22, v4.1.23, v4.1.24, v4.1.25, v4.1.26, v4.1.27, v4.1.28, v4.1.29, v4.1.3, v4.1.30, v4.1.4, v4.1.5, v4.1.6, v4.1.7, v4.1.8, v4.1.9, v4.2.0-BETA1, v4.2.1, v4.2.2, v4.2.3, v4.2.4, v4.2.5, v4.2.6, v4.2.7, v4.2.8, v4.2.9].
        - Can only install one of: laravel/framework[5.0.x-dev, 4.0.x-dev].
        - Can only install one of: laravel/framework[5.0.x-dev, 4.1.x-dev].
        - Can only install one of: laravel/framework[5.0.x-dev, 4.2.x-dev].
        - don't install illuminate/support 4.1.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support 4.2.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.0|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.1|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.10|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.11|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.12|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.13|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.14|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.15|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.16|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.17|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.18|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.19|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.2|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.20|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.21|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.22|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.23|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.24|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.25|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.26|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.27|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.28|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.29|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.3|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.30|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.4|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.5|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.6|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.7|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.8|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.1.9|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.0-BETA1|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.1|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.2|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.3|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.4|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.5|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.6|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.7|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.8|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.2.9|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support 4.0.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.0|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.0-BETA2|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.0-BETA3|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.0-BETA4|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.1|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.10|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.2|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.3|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.4|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.5|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.6|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.7|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.8|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - don't install illuminate/support v4.0.9|don't install laravel/framework 5.0.x-dev
        - Installation request for laravel/framework ~5.0 -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[5.0.x-dev].
        - Installation request for mitch/hashids 1.x -> satisfiable by mitch/hashids[1.0, 1.x-dev].
    opened by RandyBooth 4
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