Vendor publish command for Lumen framework.


vendor:publish for Lumen framework

This package contains a single command borrowed from the Laravel framework that enables you to use php artisan vendor:publish in your Lumen application.

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This package contains a copy of the class from Illuminate/Foundation/Console/VendorPublishCommand.

This repository now follows the Lumen framework versioning. Use the appropriate version of this package for your Lumen application. eg. Lumen ^8.0 -> LumenVendorPublish ^8.0. etc.


composer require laravelista/lumen-vendor-publish=^8.0


To be able to use it you have to add it to your app/Console/Kernel.php file:

protected $commands = [

Sponsors & Backers

I would like to extend my thanks to the following sponsors & backers for funding my open-source journey. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or backer, please visit the Backers page.


Thank you for considering contributing to LumenVendorPublish! The contribution guide can be found Here.

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the open-source community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.


LumenVendorPublish is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.

  • Nothing to publish for tag

    Nothing to publish for tag

    Hi, After successfully Install this package, I run below command using terminal. php artisan ntcarfte:vendor:publish --provider "{provider class}"

    But This not working and getting error like below Nothing to publish for tag [].

    Kindly help me out here


    help wanted 
    opened by ruturajmaniyar 5
  • Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

    When i try to install i get this error:

     Problem 1
        - Conclusion: don't install basicit/lumen-vendor-publish 1.0.1
        - Conclusion: don't install basicit/lumen-vendor-publish 1.0.2
        - Installation request for basicit/lumen-vendor-publish ^1.0 -> satisfiable by basicit/lumen-vendor-publish[1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2].
        - basicit/lumen-vendor-publish 1.0.0 requires illuminate/filesystem ^5.1 -> satisfiable by illuminate/filesystem[v5.1.1, v5.1.2].
        - illuminate/filesystem v5.1.1 requires illuminate/contracts 5.1.* -> satisfiable by illuminate/contracts[v5.1.1].
        - illuminate/filesystem v5.1.2 requires illuminate/contracts 5.1.* -> satisfiable by illuminate/contracts[v5.1.1].
        - Conclusion: don't install illuminate/contracts v5.1.1
    opened by mpgn 5
  • Unable to locate publishable resources.

    Unable to locate publishable resources.

    after running this php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="migrations" I get that error

    opened by ayophanz 4
  • Support for league/flysystem@2.0 and package service provider

    Support for league/flysystem@2.0 and package service provider

    Hi! I've with this PR I've added the support for the latest version of league/flysystem and a package service provider. The new service provider will permit to register the command simply registering the SP, without touching Console\Kernel class.

    I hope it can be useful to others.

    opened by nalingia 3
  • Update composer.json for lumen 6 support

    Update composer.json for lumen 6 support

    Util Marge Clone my repo and paste it outside your project folder

    git clone --single-branch --branch lumen-6-support

    Then add this code into your composer.json "repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "../lumen-vendor-publish-lumen-6-support", "options": { "symlink": true } } ]

    "require": { "php": "^7.2", "laravel/lumen-framework": "^6.0", "laravelista/lumen-vendor-publish":"@dev" },

    then run composer update laravelista/lumen-vendor-publish --prefer-source

    Then configure as per

    opened by royrakesh 3
  • Lumen 8 support

    Lumen 8 support

    Laravel 8 and Lumen 8 are available is it possible to only switch the composer requirements to 8.0 and create a new version of lumen-vendor-publish? I think it should be that easy...

    opened by renky 2
  • Method Laravelista\LumenVendorPublish\VendorPublishCommand::handle() does not exist in lumen 5.5

    Method Laravelista\LumenVendorPublish\VendorPublishCommand::handle() does not exist in lumen 5.5

    Hi @mabasic , There is new issue in Lumen 5.5 version. Please merge PR, maybe it can solve.

    opened by permadiwibisono 2
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