Elegant SSH tasks for PHP.

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Laravel Envoy

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Laravel Envoy provides a clean, minimal syntax for defining common tasks you run on your remote servers. Using Blade style syntax, you can easily setup tasks for deployment, Artisan commands, and more.

Official Documentation

Documentation for Envoy can be found on the Laravel website.


Thank you for considering contributing to Envoy! The contribution guide can be found in the Laravel documentation.

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Laravel Envoy is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

  • I provide password in envoy script but it prompts to enter password manually

    I provide password in envoy script but it prompts to enter password manually

    Hello! With laravel 5.8 envoy command I deploy on remote server and I set password in command line, like:

    envoy run Hostels2Deploy --lardeployer_password=111 --app_version=0.105a

    and envoy file:

        $server_login_user= 'lardeployer';
        $lardeployer_password = isset($lardeployer_password) ? $lardeployer_password : "Not Defined";
    @servers(['dev' => $server_login_user.':'.$lardeployer_password.'@NNN.NN.NNN.N'])
        echo "Step # 81";
        echo 'The password is: {{ $lardeployer_password }}';
        echo 'The $server_login_user is: {{ $server_login_user }}';
        echo "Step # 00 app_version ::{{ $app_version }}";
        cd {{ $release_number_dir }}
        # php artisan envoy:delete-old-versions  Hostels2Deployed

    With credentials in @servers block I expected I will not have to enter password manually, but in command line I see prompt to enter password. I output $server_login_user and $lardeployer_password vars and they have valid values.

    Which is valid path ?

    opened by sergeynilov 20
  • error when updating symfony/process 4.3.8 to 4.4.1

    error when updating symfony/process 4.3.8 to 4.4.1

    • Envoy Version: v1.6.4 (symfony/process v4.4.1)
    • Laravel Version: v.6.6.0
    • PHP Version: 7.2.x
    • Database Driver & Version:


    When reading a command line argument it throws this error.

    In Process.php line 1648:

    Command line is missing a value for key "$KEY_NAME_HERE"

    Steps To Reproduce:

    Seems to be the same issue as: https://github.com/laravel/valet/pull/843

    If i downgrade to 4.3.8 it works fine...

    Or should I report this to the symfony/process repo?

    needs more info 
    opened by jstolp 13
  • fix(Process): Convert command to array format

    fix(Process): Convert command to array format

    When upgrade dependency symfony/process to version ^5.0

    We will got this error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Symfony\Component\Process\Process::__construct() must be of the type array, string given, called in /root/.composer/vendor/laravel/envoy/src/RemoteProcessor.php on line 62 and defined in /root/.composer/vendor/symfony/process/Process.php:140

    So this pull request for resolve this issue.

    I was tested on my local.

    opened by Quynh-Nguyen 11
  • Added ability to run scripts locally without SSH.

    Added ability to run scripts locally without SSH.

    @taylorotwell This is a first pass at getting this working. I'm sure you could come up with a more elegant way of doing it. The main idea is that I'd like to use Envoy to handle a deploy process and the first step is to run some commands locally before running the deploy commands remotely. We don't want to have Node dependencies or the build process on remote servers so we need to run all those processes on the local machine prior to deploy (which is essentially an rsync operation). This patch just bypasses the SSH process when the $target is a localhost hostname.

    Below is an example Envoy.blade.php that will run tasks and macros using this patch. An example run would be something like envoy run installer.

    @servers([ 'vagrant' => '' ])
        git commit -am 'Initial commit.'
        git push origin master
        composer install --no-dev
        npm install
        bower install
        composer update --no-dev
        npm update
        bower update
        php artisan key:generate
        php artisan migrate --package="foo/bar"
        php artisan migrate
        php artisan db:seed
        php artisan build
    opened by dalabarge 10
  • envoy self-update returns JSON exception

    envoy self-update returns JSON exception

    Recently when running envoy self-update it returns a JSON exception related to the GitHub manifest:

    Looking for updates... [Herrera\Json\Exception\FileException] file_get_contents(https://github.com/laravel/envoy/raw/master/envoy-manifest.json): failed to open stream: operation failed.

    Envoy still works which means there's no real problem. I've tried reinstalling the .phar but no fix.

    Running Laravel Envoy version 1.0.13 on MAMP PRO PHP v5.4.25 (with the path to PHP set correctly). Have tried 5.5.10 too but same problem.

    opened by csoutham 10
  • Feature Request: Manageable Envoy code: Add ability for a story to call another story, or to pass variables into tasks

    Feature Request: Manageable Envoy code: Add ability for a story to call another story, or to pass variables into tasks

    From all the testing I've done with Envoy over the past few months, there doesn't seem to be an efficient way to make the code DRY (as in, avoid duplication). This is more concerning than it appears because envoy scripts can get very long and complicated, even for basic deployment tasks.

    Here are some real use-cases I am struggling with at the moment: Luckily, envoy accepts passing variables into it from the command line, like so:

    envoy run build --env=local
    envoy run build --env=staging
    envoy run build --env=production
    envoy run deploy --env=staging
    envoy run deploy --env=production

    The first 3 build for different environments, the last 2 build and deploy to the appropriate environment.

    All of these use-cases involve 90% of the same set of steps (checkout repo, pick the right env file, create build, optionally deploy to the appropriate server or keep it local), except they need to do slightly different things (like use .env.local instead of .env.production) based on the variables that are passed in.

    Variables passed in from the command line can be 'read' within the @ setup directive, but the problem arises in taking it a step further from there:

    1. I don't see a way for a story to call another story dynamically, based on a parameter passed in from the command line.
    2. There's also no way that I know of to pass variables into Envoy @ tasks . I had asked for this a few months ago but it got closed. Also, asking on discord, laracasts etc did not get any answers...but I have a hard time believing that I am the only person that has this issue or use case.

    I am raising this again because copy-pasting and duplicating 200 lines of a task in envoy.blade.php another 3-4 times makes zero sense to me.

    The ask is simple...to provide a way to do # 1 or # 2 above, so that envoy scripts can become a lot more manageable.

    opened by connecteev 9
  • Sending a @finished notification via Telegram doesn't work

    Sending a @finished notification via Telegram doesn't work


    • Envoy Version: v2.3.1
    • Laravel Version: 8.0 (Now)
    • PHP Version: 7.3.1
    • Database Driver & Version: Mysql 5.7.24


    I'm trying to send a notification to my customer via Telegram. I added the @finished to the bottom of my Envoy.blade.php file as below (details changed)

    @finished @telegram("MyBot","1234567890") @endfinished

    Steps To Reproduce:

    When running my prod envoy script I see the following error

    `PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/vagrant/code/nsl/Envoy7b733335d6e41d155f181fe7fbef07d2.php on line 49

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/vagrant/code/nsl/Envoy7b733335d6e41d155f181fe7fbef07d2.php on line 49 `

    I was running Laravel 7.X but I took the time to upgrade thinking that may help. It didn't

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    needs more info 
    opened by barrasme 8
  • Call to undefined method fromShellCommandline and Bad port for SSH connection

    Call to undefined method fromShellCommandline and Bad port for SSH connection

    • Envoy Version: 1.6.4
    • PHP Version: 7.2


    Hi, I ran Envoy on CircleCI and got an error I don't have on v1.6.1 I think the bug arrived on 1.6.4. Here is the error I got

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Process\Process::fromShellCommandline() in /home/circleci/.composer/vendor/laravel/envoy/src/RemoteProcessor.php on line 57

    I fixed Envoy version to 1.6.3 and got another error

    [-p XX user@example.com]: Bad port ' XX user@example.com'
    [] This task did not complete successfully on one of your servers.

    The SSH port is not 22 on this server.

    Everything works fine on Envoy 1.6.1 though.

    I use this image on CircleCI circleci/php:7.2-node-browsers


    needs more info 
    opened by peterpan666 8
  • Allow task servers to override story servers

    Allow task servers to override story servers

    Happy to take a stab at a PR here but I wanted to confirm I wasn't missing something. Consider the case where you want to update multiple staging servers, and as part of it download a production db snapshot and restore it to staging:

    @servers(['staging-servers' => ['alpha.staging.example.com', 'beta.staging.example.com'], 'staging-primary' => 'alpha.staging.example.com'])
    @story('stage', [ 'on' => 'staging-servers' ])

    Most of these task, of course, we want to run on all servers. However, we have a "restoredb" task that grabs the latest production database backup and restores it to staging, so we can work with the latest data. We obviously only want this to run one time.

    I would expect that I could override the on setting on the restoredb task specifically:

    @task('restoredb', [ 'on' => 'staging-primary' ])

    But that doesn't seem to work. So first, is this expected? Second, if it is expected, is there a different way we ought go about this, and is there a downside to changing behavior so it does work this way?

    opened by amsoell 8
  • Can stories have parallel option like tasks do?

    Can stories have parallel option like tasks do?

    I have a deployment story, and I want it to run sequentially, one server at a time. However, it will actually perform one task for every server before moving on to the next task. i.e. for

    @servers(['one' => 'one.com', 'two' => 'two.com'])
    @story('deploy', ['on' => ['one', 'two']])
        touch one
        touch two

    will run one>touch1, two>touch1, one>touch2, two>touch2, but what I need it to do is one>touch1, one>touch2, two>touch1, two>touch2

    needs more info 
    opened by sublime392 7
  • Envoy no longer uses user's environment by default

    Envoy no longer uses user's environment by default

    • Envoy Version: 1.5.0
    • Laravel Version: none; (I use Envoy for non-Laravel projects)


    Envoy 1.5.0 no longer loads the user's environment by default. Before 1.5.0, all of a user's environment variables were available by default when running Envoy tasks.

    For example, in 1.4.1, this task:

    @task('test', ['on' => 'localhost'])
    echo $HOME

    would produce this output:

    []: /home/myusername

    However, after upgrading to 1.5.0, this no longer works and $HOME is no longer defined.

    I'm just using $HOME as a simple example. In my case, my deployments broke because envoy stopped using my $PATH variable, and my rsync commands that use ssh keys also stopped working (it started asking me for my key's passphrase).

    Based on some quick digging, it looks like the issue might have originated with commit Add ENVOY environment var to allow checking host within tasks, on line 31 of RemoteProcessor.php.

    I solved the issue for myself by rolling Envoy back to version 1.4.1.

    Edit: fixed typo in code example

    opened by mtnorthrop 7
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