Littlelink admin is an admin panel for littlelink that provides you a website similar linktree.


⚙️ LittleLink Admin

LittleLink Admin is an admin panel for littlelink that provides you a website similar linktree.

📑 Features

  • creating a link page with more than 20 buttons
  • raising important links on the page
  • counting clicks
  • managing users and pages and links
  • and ...


home / panel

🔨 Install

composer create-project khashayarzavosh/littlelink-admin
  • edit .env file




APP_NAME="Littlelink admin"

cd admin-littlelink
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed 
(or commands below)
php artisan db:seed --class="AdminSeeder"
php artisan db:seed --class="PageSeeder"
php artisan db:seed --class="ButtonSeeder"
php artisan serve
  • login:


password: 12345678

💞 Partners

🎲 Donate

bitcoin: 1FQJWCZJoLKfJei7NFisTH65yNUjugJRi4

  • Docker Support

    Docker Support

    Hi! I'd love to see a docker file so that we can spin this up without configuring your local dev environment. Happy to contribute. I am not familiar with laravel but am with Docker. Not sure if you've considered this and didn't want to step on your toes!

    opened by timothystewart6 5
  • Vaildation bug

    Vaildation bug

    I'm trying to add validation in studio/page cause that's the only place where anyone could attempt to hack cause there's no validation. I attempted to add it myself but I can't get it to work. It just won't allow me to update the input for pageName and pageDescription but image input seems to work.

        //Save littlelink page (name, description, logo)
        public function editPage(request $request)
                    'image' => 'nullable|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png|max:100',
            $userId = Auth::user()->id;
            $littlelink_name = Auth::user()->littlelink_name;
            $profilePhoto = $request->file('image');
            $pageName = $request->pageName;
            $pageDescription = $request->pageDescription;
            User::where('id', $userId)->update(['littlelink_name' => $pageName, 'littlelink_description' => $pageDescription]);
            $profilePhoto->move(public_path('/img'), $littlelink_name . ".png");
            return back();
    opened by Ruriko 3
  • Bug In

    Bug In "Watch Page"

    Now that I have the application deployed successfully, I'm running into a legitimate issue. Allow me to explain:

    After you register, you are brought to the following page where there is a link for "Watch page"

    The problem is, the link for "Watch page" is the Auth::user()->name;. But it needs to be the $littlelink_name.

    Example being, when I sign up with the name testuser, the "Watch page" links to /+testuser which gives a 404. However my Littlelink name is testuser1, and the link properly works when I navigate manually to /+testuser1.

    Either these need to be reversed, or the "Watch page" link needs to be updated.

    opened by dinosaw 3
  • ErrorException


    I installed this on Ubuntu 20.04 with php7.3 and nginx as my webserver. I get this error when I try visit my site

    Trying to get property 'home_message' of non-object (View: /var/www/

    Any fix to this?

    opened by Ruriko 2
  • Hide option to upload profile image if no page name is set

    Hide option to upload profile image if no page name is set

    Quick and easy fix.

    Hides option to upload profile image if no page name is set on /studio/page.

    Without this, users without a page name, would be able to upload a profile image that then gets used as the default profile image for all users without a page name.

    chrome_AmxOOz8Xgg chrome_fvau1zvc75

    It's not the best solution, but an easy one.

    opened by JulianPrieber 1
  • If user use the same page name it gives error

    If user use the same page name it gives error

    If user use a duplicated page name it gives error:

    SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'Something' for key 'users_littlelink_name_unique' (SQL: update `users` set `littlelink_name` = Something, `littlelink_description` = ?, `users`.`updated_at` = 2021-11-17 10:48:30 where `id` = 2)

    How to fix this?

    opened by Ruriko 1
  • Attempting to remove + in url but breaks other stuff

    Attempting to remove + in url but breaks other stuff

    I'm trying to remove the plus sign in the url that appears on the user's page so I edited web.php and sidebar.blade.php but when I did the changes it broke the login & register button as it now returns a 404 error. Are there anymore files I need to edit to fix the linking structure?

    opened by Ruriko 1
  • Add url checker

    Add url checker

    For security reasons can you make it check if social links are valid? this is so spam bots don't put unnecessary links. For example check twitter link contains the word twitter in the url

    opened by Ruriko 1
  • Question / Issues with Deployment

    Question / Issues with Deployment


    I have succesfully installed the application, and am wanting to host it on a production site as opposed to a local host. When I run the serve command, I get the following:

    # php artisan serve
    Starting Laravel development server:
    [Fri Apr 16 18:15:13 2021] PHP 7.4.14 Development Server ( started

    Obviously that is a local address. So typically in my other Laravel or Node projects that do this, if an application specifies a non-standard Apache port, I add the following in the Apache configuration file, being sure to replace the local address with the public IP and the port with whatever port the application uses:

    ProxyPass / http://public.ip.address:8000/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://public.ip.address:8000/

    However when I do this, I'm still receiving a 503 when attempting to navigate to the page. Do you mind elaborating on how to successfully provision this on a public facing web server? Any help would be great!

    opened by dinosaw 1
  • Fixed SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 19 UNIQUE

    Fixed SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 19 UNIQUE


    Fixed SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 19 UNIQUE constraint failed:

    If a user registers a new account with the same name as an existing account, an error exception will be thrown. (

    With this fix, the message "The name has already been taken." will be displayed instead, and no database entry will be made, meaning no error will be thrown.


    opened by JulianPrieber 0
Khashayar Zavosh
Khashayar Zavosh
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