Grpc go-server php-client



  • 安装 protobuf

  • 安装PHP相关扩展(grpcprotobuf

  • 生成grpc_php_plugin

    $ git clone -b RELEASE_TAG_HERE
    $ cd grpc
    $ git submodule update --init
    $ mkdir -p cmake/build
    $ cd cmake/build
    $ cmake ../..
    $ make protoc grpc_php_plugin
    $ mv ./grpc_php_plugin /opt/homebrew/bin/
  • 生成相应语言的文件命令

     protoc -I. --go_out=plugins=grpc:./pb pb/user.proto
    cd php-server
    protoc --proto_path=../pb --php_out=. --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/opt/homebrew/bin/grpc_php_plugin ../pb/user.proto


➜  grpc-demo go run server.go 
2022/01/24 09:55:49 receive user index request: page 1 page_size 12
2022/01/24 09:55:49 receive user view request: uid 1
2022/01/24 09:55:49 receive user post request: name 12312 password 324523 age 12


➜  grpc-demo go run client/client.go 
2022/01/24 09:56:46 user index success: success
u1 11
u2 12
2022/01/24 09:56:46 user view success: success
james 28
2022/01/24 09:56:46 user post success: success
2022/01/24 09:56:46 user delete success: success
➜  php-server php  client.php
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