Track your farming and pool performance on the Binance Smart Chain

Overview - Frontend

Track your farming and pool performance on the Binance Smart Chain.

Tech Stack

  • PHP 8 + Symfony
  • node.js + npm (Webpack, Symfony encore)
  • Vue.js 2.x (needs migration to 3.x)
  • jQuery (to be replaced)
  • Bootstrap 5

Business Values

  • Expected requests: 1-2 per second
  • Backend is using external APIs, which have rate limits. So basic no massive calls are allowed
  • Backend is behind a HTTP Loadbalancer, consider when calling


Install PHP and node.js packages

composer install
npm install

Token Icons

Common token icons are included others are used via external repositories inside remotes/. Feel free to update them frequently. Hint: they are heavy cached. See cache clear section Init them once via:

git submodule update --init --recursive


For a running development system run the following command. You can also use nginx or Symfony encore (Webpack) stuff

symfony server:start
npm run-script dev-server

If you want need a running backend checkout also You can also change backend url via BACKEND_BASE_URL


There are several caches. Clear cache via Symfony command or clear var/cache/* folders

Technical Debt

  • Migrate more page content to Vue.js and 3.x
  • Icon extraction handling is tricky

Folder Structure

  • src PHP code
  • assets Vue.js "applications" provided in subdirectories
  • remotes External repositories that provide value for the project eg icons and token lists
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