Uploader is a set of small classes for sending images, files, and media received by a form of your application


Uploader @KitsuneCode

Uploader is a set of small classes for sending images, files, and media received by a form of your application. The Uploader handles, validates and sends the files to your server. Image class can still handle sizes with the gd library.

Uploader é um conjunto de pequenas classes para envio de imagens, arquivos e midias recebidos por um formulário de sua aplicação. O Uploader trata, valida e envia os arquivos a seu servidor. A classe de imagem ainda consegue tratar tamanhos com a biblioteca gd.

About KitsuneCode

KitsuneCode is a set of small and optimized PHP components for common tasks. Held by Enos S. S. Silva and the Kitsune team. With them you perform routine tasks with fewer lines, writing less and doing much more.

KitsuneCode é um conjunto de pequenos e otimizados componentes PHP para tarefas comuns. Mantido por Enos S. S. Silva e a equipe Kitsune. Com eles você executa tarefas rotineiras com poucas linhas, escrevendo menos e fazendo muito mais.


  • Image simple upload (Simples envio de imagems)
  • File simple upload (Simples envio de arquivos)
  • Media simple upload (Simples envio de midias)
  • Managing directories with date schemas (Gestão de diretórios com esquema de datas)
  • Validation of images, files and media by mime-types (Valida de imagens, arquivos e mídias por mime-types)
  • Composer ready and PSR-2 compliant (Pronto para o composer e compatível com PSR-2)


Uploader is available via Composer:

"kitsunecode/uploader": "2.0.*"

or run

composer require kitsunecode/uploader


For details on how to use the upload, see a sample folder in the component directory. In it you will have an example of use for each class. KitsuneCode Uploader works like this:

Para mais detalhes sobre como usar o upload, veja uma pasta de exemplo no diretório do componente. Nela terá um exemplo de uso para cada classe. KitsuneCode Uploader funciona assim:

Upload an Image

upload($_FILES['image'], $_POST['name']); echo ""; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

"; } }">

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

//$image = new KitsuneCode\Uploader\Image("uploads", "images", false); //WITHOUT YEAR AND MONTH FOLDERS //SEM PASTAS DE ANO E MÊS
$image = new KitsuneCode\Uploader\Image("uploads", "images");

if ($_FILES) {
    try {
        $upload = $image->upload($_FILES['image'], $_POST['name']);
        echo "";
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

; } }

Upload an Image Webp

uploadWebp($_FILES['image'], $_POST['name']); echo ""; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

"; } }">

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$image = new KitsuneCode\Uploader\Image("uploads", "images");

if ($_FILES) {
    try {
        $upload = $image->uploadWebp($_FILES['image'], $_POST['name']);
        echo "";
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

; } }

Upload an File

upload($_FILES['file'], $_POST['name']); echo "


"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

"; } }">

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$file = new KitsuneCode\Uploader\File("uploads", "files");

if ($_FILES) {
    try {
        $upload = $file->upload($_FILES['file'], $_POST['name']);
        echo "


; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

; } }

Upload an Media

upload($_FILES['file'], $_POST['name']); echo "


"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

"; } }">

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$media = new KitsuneCode\Uploader\Media("uploads", "medias");

if ($_FILES) {
    try {
        $upload = $media->upload($_FILES['file'], $_POST['name']);
        echo "


; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

; } }

Upload by Filetype (Send)

upload($_FILES['file'], $_POST['name']); echo "


"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

"; } }">

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$postscript = new KitsuneCode\Uploader\Send("uploads", "postscript", ["application/postscript"]);

if ($_FILES) {
    try {
        $upload = $postscript->upload($_FILES['file'], $_POST['name']);
        echo "


; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

; } }

Upload Multiple

multiple("file", $_FILES) as $file) { $image->upload($file, "image-" . $file["name"], 1200); } echo "Success!"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

"; }">
require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$image = new KitsuneCode\Uploader\Image("uploads", "images");

try {
    foreach ($image->multiple("file", $_FILES) as $file) {
        $image->upload($file, "image-" . $file["name"], 1200);
    echo "Success!";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "

(!) {$e->getMessage()}

; }


Security: If you discover any security related issues, please email devenos@icloud.com instead of using the issue tracker.

Se você descobrir algum problema relacionado à segurança, envie um e-mail para devenos@icloud.com em vez de usar o rastreador de problemas.

Thank you



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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