Domain Driven Design PHP helper classes

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Frameworks ddd


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This library will help you with typical DDD scenarios, for now:

  • Application Services Interface
  • Transactional Application Services with Doctrine and ADODb
  • Data Transformers Interface
  • No Transformer Data Transformers
  • Domain Event Interface
  • Event Store Interface
  • Event Store Doctrine Implementation
  • Domain Event Publishing Service
  • Messaging Producer Interface
  • Messaging Producer RabbitMQ Implementation

Sample Projects

There are some projects developed using carlosbuenosvinos/ddd library. Check some of them to see how to use it:

  • Last Wishes: Actions to run, such as tweet, send emails, etc. in case anything happen to you.

Application Services

Application Service Interface

Consider an Application Service that registers a new user in your application.

$signInUserService = new SignInUserService(

$response = $signInUserService->execute(
    new SignInUserRequest(
        '[email protected]',

$newUserCreated = $response->getUser();

We need to pass in the constructor all the dependencies. In this case, the User repository. As DDD explains, the Doctrine repository is implementing a generic interface for User repositories.


namespace MyBC\Application\Service\User;

use MyBC\Domain\Model\User\User;
use MyBC\Domain\Model\User\UserAlreadyExistsException;
use MyBC\Domain\Model\User\UserRepository;

use Ddd\Application\Service\ApplicationService;

 * Class SignInUserService
 * @package MyBC\Application\Service\User
class SignInUserService implements ApplicationService
     * @var UserRepository
    private $userRepository;

     * @param UserRepository $userRepository
    public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository)
        $this->userRepository = $userRepository;

     * @param SignInUserRequest $request
     * @return SignInUserResponse
     * @throws UserAlreadyExistsException
    public function execute($request = null)
        $email = $request->email();
        $password = $request->password();

        $user = $this->userRepository->userOfEmail($email);
        if (null !== $user) {
            throw new UserAlreadyExistsException();

        $user = new User(


        return new SignInUserResponse($user);

I suggest to make your Application Services implement the following interface following the command pattern.

 * Interface ApplicationService
 * @package Ddd\Application\Service
interface ApplicationService
     * @param $request
     * @return mixed
    public function execute($request = null);


Application Services should manage transactions when dealing with database persistence strategies. In order to manage it cleanly, I provide an Application Service decorator that wraps an Application Service an executes it inside a transactional boundary.

The decorator is the Ddd\Application\Service\TransactionalApplicationService class. In order to create one, you need the non transactional Application Service and a Transactional Session. We provide different types of Transactional Sessions. See how to do it with Doctrine.

Doctrine Transactional Application Services

For the Doctrine Transactional Session, pass the EntityManager instance.

/** @var EntityManager $em */
$txSignInUserService = new TransactionalApplicationService(
    new SignInUserService(
    new DoctrineSession($em)

$response = $txSignInUserService->execute(
    new SignInUserRequest(
        '[email protected]',

$newUserCreated = $response->getUser();

As you can see, the use case creation and execution is the same as the non transactional, the only difference is the decoration with the Transactional Application Service.

As a collateral benefit, the Doctrine Session manages internally the flush method, so you don't need to add a flush in your Domain neither your infrastructure.

Asynchronous AMQP listeners

This library is capable to support asynchronous messaging in order to make Bounded Context capable to listen to other Bounded Context's events in an efficient way. The base for this is the both the amqp and the react's event loop. In addition, to support more efficient event loopings, we recommend the installation of one of this extensions

The usage of any of this extensions is handled by ReactPHP's event-loop in a totally transparent way.


Supose we need to listen to the Acme\Billing\DomainModel\Order\OrderWasCreated event triggered via messaging from another bounded context. The following, is an example of a AMQP exchange listener that listents to the Acme\Billing\DomainModel\Order\OrderWasCreated event.


namespace Acme\Inventory\Infrastructure\Messaging\Amqp;

use stdClass;
use AMQPQueue;
use JMS\Serializer\Serializer;
use League\Tactician\CommandBus;
use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;
use Ddd\Infrastructure\Application\Notification\AmqpExchangeListener;

class OrderWasCreatedListener extends AmqpExchangeListener
    private $commandBus;
    public function __construct(AMQPQueue $queue, LoopInterface $loop, Serializer $serializer, CommandBus $commandBus)
        $this->commandBus = $commandBus;
        parent::construct($queue, $loop, $serializer);
     * This method will be responsible to decide whether this listener listens to an specific
     * event type or not, given an event type name
     * @param string $typeName
     * @return bool
    protected function listensTo($typeName)
        return 'Acme\Billing\DomainModel\Order\OrderWasCreated' === $typeName;

     * The action to perform
     * @param stdClass $event
     * @return void
    protected function handle($event)
        $this->commandBus->handle(new CreateOrder(
            // ...

And this is a possible command to create AMQP workers


namespace AppBundle\Command;

use AMQPConnection;
use AMQPChannel;
use React\EventLoop\Factory;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\Serializer;
use League\Tactician\CommandBus;

class OrderWasCreatedWorkerCommand extends Command
    private $serializer;
    private $commandBus;
    public function __construct(Serializer $serializer, CommandBus $commandBus)
        $this->serializer = $serializer;
        $this->commandBus = $commandBus;
    public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $connection = new AMQPConnection([
            'host' => '',
            'vhost' => '/',
            'port' => 5763,
            'login' => 'user',
            'password' => 'password'
        $queue = new AMQPQueue(new AMQPChannel($connection));
        $loop = Factory::create();
        $listener = new OrderWasCreatedListener(

AMQP Message producer

The intention of the AMQP message producer is to be composed in some other class. The following is an example of the usage of the AMQP message producer.


use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Ddd\Infrastructure\Application\Notification\AmqpMessageProducer;
use Ddd\Application\Notification\NotificationService;

$connection = new AMQPConnection([
    'host' => '',
    'vhost' => '/',
    'port' => 5763,
    'login' => 'user',
    'password' => 'password'

$exchange = new AMQPExchange(new AMQPChannel($connection));

$config = Setup::createYAMLMetadataConfiguration([__DIR__."/src/Infrastructure/Application/Persistence/Doctrine/Config"], false);
$entityManager = EntityManager::create(['driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'path' => __DIR__ . '/db.sqlite'], $config);

$eventStore = $entityManager->getRepository('Ddd\Domain\Event\StoredEvent');
$publishedMessageTracker = $entityManager->getRepository('Ddd\Domain\Event\PublishedMessage');
$messageProducer = new AmqpMessageProducer($exchange);

$notificationService = new NotificationService(

$notificationService->publish(/** ... **/);
  • Implementation of Specification pattern.

    Implementation of Specification pattern.

    Specification pattern by M.Fowler and E.Evans.


    • Single Specification.
    • Composite Specification.

    Not includes:

    • Subsumption.
    • Partially Satisfied Specification.
    opened by martinezdelariva 6
  • Replaces \DateTime with \DateTimeInterface.

    Replaces \DateTime with \DateTimeInterface.

    Today I was trying to run ddd/last-wishes and got an error regarding a StoredEvent. I noticed that the issue was already reported on the wrong repo

    So I decided to involve myself and try to make my first open-source contribution :)

    opened by novolog 1
  • Add a Test Scenario which helps to easily test your application services

    Add a Test Scenario which helps to easily test your application services

    Helper class which makes easy testing your Application Services in a very readable way. Source code comes inspired by Beau Siemens on his video Introduction to Event Sourcing and CQRS and Greg Young's talks about Event Sourcing below an example on how to use it:

    class MyTest extends AbstractApplicationServiceScenario
         * @test
        public function shouldAddReviewer()
                    new CodeReview('a code review id', 'a title', 'a code')
                    new RequestReviewerRequest('a reviewer id', 'a code review id')
                        new ReviewerWasAdded('a reviewer id', 'a code review id'),
         * @param $repository
         * @return ApplicationService
        public function applicationService($repository)
            return new CreateCodeReviewService($repository);
         * @return mixed Repository
        public function aggregateRootRepository()
            return new InMemoryCodeReviewRepository();
    opened by mgonzalezbaile 0
  • Fix: Use dedicated sections in Travis configuration

    Fix: Use dedicated sections in Travis configuration

    opened by localheinz 0
  • Improve tests. Add unsubscribe

    Improve tests. Add unsubscribe


    • Tests are now in its own space, out of the autoload.
    • Added tests for DomainEventPublisher
    • Added unsubscribe to DomainEventPublisher, which is a nice feature given the nature of singletons. As an example, without this feature is pretty easy to mess up other tests as all them share the same instance of the DomainEventPublisher.
    opened by keyvanakbary 0
  • Event's occurredOn attributes types should be immutable

    Event's occurredOn attributes types should be immutable

    First of all I want to thank you boys for your job. I bought your e-book and find it useful.

    Event's occurredOn attributes types should be immutable, but StoredEvent's occurredOn is mutable because of DateTime type.

    Especially last-wishes app fires Event with DateTimeImmutable type - inconsistency that throws Exception.

    Boys are you open for a PR? I can make some job.

    opened by bystro 0
  • PersistDomainEventSubscriber


    Hi, can you suggest me how can I subscribe PersistDomainEventSubscriber globally on Symfony 3?

    For now I have registered this two services:

        class: Messenger\Infrastructure\Application\Notification\DoctrineEventStoreRepository
        factory: ['@doctrine', getRepository]
        arguments: ['Messenger\Domain\Event\StoredEvent']
        class: Messenger\Domain\DomainEventPublisher
        factory: ['Messenger\Domain\DomainEventPublisher', instance]

    but I don't understand how (and where) can I subscribe my subscribers


    opened by matiux 0
  • Base EventSourcing classes.

    Base EventSourcing classes.


    • EventSourcingAggregateRoot: common functionality for aggregate roots. Inspired from last-wishes-gamify project.
    • EventSourcingStore: interface inspired from V. Vernon.
    • EventStream: class inspired from V. Vernon.
    opened by martinezdelariva 1
  • mostRecentPublishedMessageId() returns the first PublishedMessageId instead of the last

    mostRecentPublishedMessageId() returns the first PublishedMessageId instead of the last

    In the class Ddd\Infrastructure\Application\Notification\DoctrinePublishedMessageTracker on line 18 the code should be replaced with: $messageTracked = $this->findOneBy(array('typeName'=>$aTypeName), array('trackerId'=>'DESC')); in order to return the last PublishedMessageId

    opened by dadeky 2
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