A minimalistic implementation of asynchronous SQL for PHP.



A minimalistic implementation of asynchronous SQL for PHP.

Installation via DEVirion

Install the DEVirion plugin and start your server. This will create a virions folder in your server's root directory.

| -> plugins
|    --> DEVirion.phar
| -> virions
  • Download pre-compiled .phar files can be downloaded from poggit.
  • Place the pre-compiled .phar in the virions directory

Running from source code

Clone the repository via git git clone git@github.com:cooldogedev/libSQL.git. This will create a libSQL folder in your directory.

| -> src
|    --> cooldogedev
|       --> libSQL
  • Place the cooldogedev\libSQL folder in your src directory.


Retrieve all customer records

"sqlite", "sqlite" => [ "data-file" => "test.db" ] ] ); $query = new class extends SQLiteQuery { public function handleIncomingConnection(SQLite3 $connection): ?array { return $connection->query($this->getQuery())?->fetchArray() ?: null; } public function getQuery(): string { return "SELECT * FROM " . $this->getTable(); } }; $connector->submitQuery($query, "customers", function (?array $customers): void { if (!$customers) { echo "No customers found"; return; } foreach ($customers as $customer) { echo $customer["name"]; } }, function (PromiseError $error): void { echo "An error occurred with the message " . $error->getMessage(); } ); ">
$connector = new DatabaseConnector($this,
        "provider" => "sqlite",
        "sqlite" => [
            "data-file" => "test.db"

$query = new class extends SQLiteQuery {

    public function handleIncomingConnection(SQLite3 $connection): ?array
        return $connection->query($this->getQuery())?->fetchArray() ?: null;

    public function getQuery(): string
        return "SELECT * FROM " . $this->getTable();

$connector->submitQuery($query, "customers",
    function (?array $customers): void {
        if (!$customers) {
            echo "No customers found";
        foreach ($customers as $customer) {
            echo $customer["name"];
    function (PromiseError $error): void {
        echo "An error occurred with the message " . $error->getMessage();

Create a new customer record

"sqlite", "sqlite" => [ "data-file" => "test.db" ] ] ); $query = new class extends SQLiteQuery { public function __construct( protected string $name = "John", protected string $lastName = "Smith", protected int $age = 40 ) {} public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getLastName(): string { return $this->lastName; } public function getAge(): int { return $this->age; } public function handleIncomingConnection(SQLite3 $connection): bool { $statement = $connection->prepare($this->getQuery()); $statement->bindValue(":name", $this->getName()); $statement->bindValue(":lastName", $this->getLastName()); $statement->bindValue(":age", $this->getAge()); $statement->execute(); $statement->close(); return true; } public function getQuery(): string { return "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO " . $this->getTable() . " (name, lastName, age) VALUES (:name, :lastName, :age)"; } }; $connector->submitQuery($query, "customers", function (): void { echo "Successfully created a new record!"; }, function (PromiseError $error): void { echo "An error occurred with the message " . $error->getMessage(); } ); ">
$connector = new DatabaseConnector($this,
        "provider" => "sqlite",
        "sqlite" => [
            "data-file" => "test.db"

$query = new class extends SQLiteQuery {
    public function __construct(
        protected string $name = "John",
        protected string $lastName = "Smith",
        protected int    $age = 40
    ) {}

    public function getName(): string { return $this->name; }

    public function getLastName(): string { return $this->lastName; }

    public function getAge(): int { return $this->age; }

    public function handleIncomingConnection(SQLite3 $connection): bool
        $statement = $connection->prepare($this->getQuery());
        $statement->bindValue(":name", $this->getName());
        $statement->bindValue(":lastName", $this->getLastName());
        $statement->bindValue(":age", $this->getAge());
        return true;

    public function getQuery(): string
        return "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO " . $this->getTable() . " (name, lastName, age) VALUES (:name, :lastName, :age)";

$connector->submitQuery($query, "customers",
    function (): void {
        echo "Successfully created a new record!";
    function (PromiseError $error): void {
        echo "An error occurred with the message " . $error->getMessage();

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  • SQLThread: Fixed infinite loop

    SQLThread: Fixed infinite loop

    Steps to reproduce the issue

    • Enable xdebug or recursionguard and start the server
    • Execute the stop command to stop the server
    • A recursive calling loop has been detected


    [09:19:57.187] [Server thread/INFO]: [CONSOLE: Stopping the server]
    [09:19:57.188] [Server thread/INFO]: Disabling DevTools v1.15.0
    [09:19:57.189] [Server thread/INFO]: Disabling DEVirion v1.2.8
    [09:19:57.189] [Server thread/INFO]: Disabling TNTTag v0.0.4
    [09:19:57.191] [Server thread/INFO]: Unloading world "world"
    [09:19:57.918] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping other threads
    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Reached maximum call depth of 256, aborting! in P:\game\test1\new\virions\libSQL_fork\src\cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread.php:87
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread->cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\{closure}()
    #1 P:\game\test1\new\virions\libSQL_fork\src\cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread.php(90): Threaded->synchronized(Object(Closure))
    #2 P:\game\test1\new\virions\libSQL_fork\src\cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread.php(88): cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread->quit()
    #378 [internal function]: cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread->cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\{closure}()
    #379 P:\game\test1\new\virions\libSQL_fork\src\cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread.php(90): Threaded->synchronized(Object(Closure))
    #380 phar://P:/game/test1/new/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/thread/ThreadManager.php(84): cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread->quit()
    #381 phar://P:/game/test1/new/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/PocketMine.php(313): pocketmine\thread\ThreadManager->stopAll()
    #382 phar://P:/game/test1/new/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/PocketMine.php(328): pocketmine\server()
    #383 P:\game\test1\new\PocketMine-MP.phar(11): require('phar://P:/game/...')
    #384 {main}
      thrown in P:\game\test1\new\virions\libSQL_fork\src\cooldogedev\libSQL\thread\SQLThread.php on line 87
    Took too long to stop, server was killed forcefully!
    opened by DaisukeDaisuke 1
  • outdated documentation

    outdated documentation

    The current documentation is outdated, it was originally made for version 0.0.2. Since version 0.0.3 the query submission no longer accepts parameters for the completion callback and error catcher as it returns the promise itself now.

    opened by cooldogedev 1
  • Server Crash

    Server Crash

    [01:20:19.207] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ParseError: "Unclosed '(' on line 77 does not match '}'" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/BedrockEconomy_dev-39.phar/src/cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy/libs/cooldogedev/libSQL/ConnectionPool" at line 95 --- Stack trace --- #0 pmsrc/vendor/pocketmine/classloader/src/BaseClassLoader(83): BaseClassLoader->loadClass(string[65] cooldogedev\BedrockEconomy\libs\cooldogedev\libSQL\ConnectionPool) cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy#1 plugins/BedrockEconomy_dev-39.phar/src/cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy/BedrockEconomy(90): BaseClassLoader->{closure}(string[65] cooldogedev\BedrockEconomy\libs\cooldogedev\libSQL\ConnectionPool) cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy#2 pmsrc/src/plugin/PluginBase(137): cooldogedev\BedrockEconomy\BedrockEconomy->onEnable() cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy#3 pmsrc/src/plugin/PluginManager(438): pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase->onEnableStateChange(true) cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy#4 pmsrc/src/Server(1383): pocketmine\plugin\PluginManager->enablePlugin(object cooldogedev\BedrockEconomy\BedrockEconomy#23590) cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy#5 pmsrc/src/Server(1009): pocketmine\Server->enablePlugins(object pocketmine\plugin\PluginEnableOrder#23437) cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy#6 pmsrc/src/PocketMine(303): pocketmine\Server->__construct(object BaseClassLoader#2, object pocketmine\utils\MainLogger#3, string[16] /home/container/, string[24] /home/container/plugins/) cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy#7 pmsrc/src/PocketMine(326): pocketmine\server() cooldogedev/BedrockEconomy#8 pmsrc(11): require(string[60] phar:///home/container/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/PocketMine.php)

    opened by iSpaceYT 0
  • RawSQLQuery proposal

    RawSQLQuery proposal

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