Command line of the website.


Deutsch   English   Svenska

Command 0.8.42

Command line of the website.


How to use the command line

Open a terminal window. Go to your installation folder, where the file yellow.php is. Type php yellow.php to show available commands. The available commands depend on extensions installed. Type php yellow.php about to show the installed extensions and version numbers. If you don't have PHP on your computer, see PHP installation.

How to build a static website

You can build a static website at the command line. The biggest difference between a static website and a normal website is that a static site generator builds everything in advance, instead of waiting for a file to be requested. Open a terminal window. Go to your installation folder, where the file yellow.php is. Type php yellow.php build, you can optionally add a folder and a location. This will build a static website in the public folder. Upload the static website to your web server and build a new one when needed. To check for broken links type: php yellow.php check. To clean the static website type: php yellow.php clean.

If you don't want that a page is built, set Build: exclude in the page settings at the top of a page.

How to build a static cache

You can build a static cache at the command line. The static cache supports a normal website by building some files in advance and storing them in the file system. You can also think of it as combining the features of a static website and the features of a normal website. Open a terminal window. Go to your installation folder, where the file yellow.php is. Type php yellow.php build system/cache. This will build a cache in the system/cache folder. Build a new cache when needed. To clean the cache type: php yellow.php clean system/cache.

If you don't want that a page is built, set Build: exclude in the page settings at the top of a page.


Content file with option for building a static website:

Title: Example page
Build: exclude
This page is not included in a static website and cache.

Overview of available commands:

php yellow.php about = Show current version, requires update extension
php yellow.php build = Build static website, requires command extension
php yellow.php check = Check static website, requires command extension
php yellow.php clean = Clean static website, requires command extension
php yellow.php install = Add extensions, requires update extension
php yellow.php publish = Publish extensions, requires publish extension
php yellow.php serve = Start built-in web server, requires serve extension
php yellow.php traffic = Create traffic analytics, requires traffic extension
php yellow.php uninstall = Remove extensions, requires update extension
php yellow.php update = Update website, requires update extension
php yellow.php user = Create user accounts, requires edit extension

Showing available commands at the command line:

php yellow.php

Building static website at the command line:

php yellow.php build

Checking static website for broken links at the command line:

php yellow.php check

Cleaning static website and other files at the command line:

php yellow.php clean


The following settings can be configured in file system/extensions/yellow-system.ini:

CoreStaticUrl = URL of the website, when used as a static site generator
CommandStaticBuildDirectory = directory for statically generated files
CommandStaticDefaultFile = default file for static website
CommandStaticErrorFile = error file for static website


Download extension and copy zip file into your system/extensions folder. Right click if you use Safari.


Anna Svensson. Get help.

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