A light-weight RPC implement of google protobuf RPC framework.



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A light-weight RPC implementation of Google's protobuf RPC framework.

Wiki: https://github.com/baidu/sofa-pbrpc/wiki


  • High performace.
  • Easy to use. Refer to sample code in './sample'.
  • Supports sync call and async call. Refer to './sample/echo'.
  • Supports three level (service/method/request) timeout. Refer to './sample/timeout_sample'.
  • Supports transparent compression. Refer to './sample/compress_sample'.
  • Supports mock test. Refer to './sample/mock_sample'.
  • Supports network flow control.
  • Supports auto connecting and reconnecting.
  • Supports keep alive time of idle connections.
  • Supports statistics for profiling.
  • Supports multi-server load balance and fault tolerance.
  • Supports http protocol.
  • Provides web monitor.
  • Provides python client library.


This lib depends on boost-1.53.0 (only need header), protobuf-2.4.1, snappy and zlib:

ATTENTION: boost header is only needed when compiling the lib, but is not needed for user code.

Extrally, './unit-test' and './sample/mock_sample' also depends on gtest:


  1. Modify the file './depends.mk' to specify depending libs.
    The necessary libs are boost, protobuf, snappy, and zlib.
  2. Run 'make' to build sofa-pbrpc.
    The default optimization level is 'O2'.
    To change it, modify the 'OPT' variable in file './Makefile'.
  3. Run 'make install' to install sofa-pbrpc.
    The default install directory is './output'.
    To change it, modify the 'PREFIX' variable in file './Makefile'.

For more details, please refer to the wiki Build Guide.


For sample code, please refer to './sample' and the wiki Quick Start.


For Profiling feature, please refer to the wiki Profiling.


For performace details, please refer to the wiki Performance.


For implementation details, please refer to the wiki and file doc/sofa-pbrpc-document.md.


[email protected]

  • RpcServer 调用stop之后,程序core dump。

    RpcServer 调用stop之后,程序core dump。

    #0 0x00007f89817f4625 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f89817f5e05 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6 #2 0x00007f898204fa55 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler () at ../../.././libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/vterminate.cc:95 #3 0x00007f898204dbf6 in __cxxabiv1::__terminate (handler=) at ../../.././libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_terminate.cc:38 #4 0x00007f898204dc23 in std::terminate () at ../../.././libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_terminate.cc:48 #5 0x00007f898204e6df in __cxxabiv1::__cxa_pure_virtual () at ../../.././libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/pure.cc:50 #6 0x0000000000631318 in sofa::pbrpc::RpcByteStream::on_connect(boost::system::error_code const&) () #7 0x000000000062aaed in boost::asio::detail::reactive_socket_connect_op<boost::bi::bind_t<void, boost::mfi::mf1<void, sofa::pbrpc::RpcByteStream, boost::system::error_code const&>, boost::bi::list2boost::bi::value<sofa::pbrpc::shared_ptr<sofa::pbrpc::RpcByteStream >, boost::arg<1> > > >::do_complete(boost::asio::detail::task_io_service, boost::asio::detail::task_io_service_operation, boost::system::error_code const&, unsigned long) () #8 0x000000000062dee9 in boost::asio::detail::epoll_reactor::descriptor_state::do_complete(boost::asio::detail::task_io_service, boost::asio::detail::task_io_service_operation, boost::system::error_code const&, unsigned long) () #9 0x000000000063081e in boost::asio::detail::task_io_service::run(boost::system::error_code&) () #10 0x000000000063118e in sofa::pbrpc::ThreadGroupImpl::thread_run(void*) () #11 0x00007f89827749d1 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0

    opened by gandalf000 33
  • Add timeout to connect action

    Add timeout to connect action

    A new option of rpc_controller connect_timeout is used for connect action.

    When rpc_client use rpc_stream to create a connect, it will use rpc_controller::connect_timeout for connect action if it is > 0.

    The default of rpc_controller::connect_timeout is -1.

    Signed-off-by: Dong Yuan [email protected]

    opened by yuandong1222 11
  • 支持用户自定义web请求的处理函数



    • 增加WebService类
    • 路由及拼装页面从HttpRpcRequest中移至WebService中
    • 提供用户RegisterWebServlet接口以及HttpRequest和HttpResponse的数据结构


    • 用户使用RegisterWebServlet接口,注册路径及其处理函数,rpc框架收到http请求后准发至用户函数并返回
    • 用户现在可以覆盖框架默认的处理函数
    • 假如用户只注册了 /dfs 路径,那么 /dfs/* 都会被转发到 /dfs 的处理函数
    opened by cyshi 11
  • Bazel build

    Bazel build


    I've added Bazel config files to allow reproductible builds. I tested them on OS X and Linux (Ubuntu).

    When building using Bazel, it will download all required dependencies and will compile static binaries for host platform.

    To build sofa-pbrpc-client, run:

    $ bazel build sofa-pbrpc-client

    To build examples:

    $ bazel build sample/compress_sample:server
    $ bazel build sample/compress_sample:client
    $ bazel-bin/sample/compress_sample/server
    $ bazel-bin/sample/compress_sample/client
    opened by teodor-pripoae 9
  • RpcClientImpl 在调用stop的时候hung死

    RpcClientImpl 在调用stop的时候hung死

    栈状态 #0 0x00007f1834e7b22d in pthread_join () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x00000000006215ab in sofa::pbrpc::ThreadGroupImpl::stop (this=0x228f6b0) at src/sofa/pbrpc/thread_group_impl.h:182 #2 0x00000000006176c7 in sofa::pbrpc::RpcClientImpl::Stop (this=0x22be000) at src/sofa/pbrpc/rpc_client_impl.cc:109

    查看io_service的内存信息如下 (gdb) p *(boost::asio::detail::task_io_service * const) 0x22738e0 $26 = {boost::asio::detail::service_baseboost::asio::detail::task_io_service = {boost::asio::io_service::service = {boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable = {}, vptr.service = 0xa24a90 <vtable for boost::asio::detail::task_io_service+16>, key = {type_info_ = 0xa245a0 <typeinfo for boost::asio::detail::typeid_wrapperboost::asio::detail::task_io_service>, id_ = 0x0}, owner_ = @0x228f6d0, next_ = 0x0}, static id = {boost::asio::io_service::id = {boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable = {}, }, }}, one_thread_ = false, mutex_ = {boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable = {}, mutex_ = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, _nusers = 7, kind = 0, spins = 0, list = { prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}}, size = '\000' <repeats 12 times>, "\a", '\000' <repeats 26 times>, align = 0}}, task = 0x2266e10, task_operation = {boost::asio::detail::task_io_service_operation = {next = 0x0, func = 0x0, task_result = 0}, }, task_interrupted = false, outstanding_work = {value = 3}, op_queue = {boost::noncopyable::noncopyable = {}, front = 0x0, back = 0x0}, stopped = false, shutdown = false, first_idle_thread = 0x7f182991fce0}

    我理解调用后stop函数后task_io_service 的 outstanding_work_变量会被减为0 并退出他的run函数。 从而使得pthread_join函数成功返回。可能的问题点在哪里呢?

    opened by baimushan 7
  • 编译失败


    sofa-pbrpc,编译对g++的版本,有什么要求呢?我用g++ 4.8.2编译失败了,protubuf,用的是proto 3.0版本

    g++ -O2 -pipe -W -Wall -fPIC -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -DHAVE_SNAPPY -Isrc -I/usr/include -I/home/kentpeng/sofa-pbrpc/thirty/protobuf/include -I/home/kentpeng/sofa-pbrpc/thirty/snappy/include -I/home/kentpeng/sofa-pbrpc/thirty/zlib/include -c -o src/sofa/pbrpc/boost_system_error_code.o src/sofa/pbrpc/boost_system_error_code.cc src/sofa/pbrpc/boost_system_error_code.cc:440:1: internal compiler error: in function_and_variable_visibility, at ipa.c:815 } // namespace boost ^ Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. See file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.8/README.Bugs for instructions. Preprocessed source stored into /tmp/ccpGeFhP.out file, please attach this to your bugreport. make: *** [src/sofa/pbrpc/boost_system_error_code.o] Error 1

    opened by qlyzpqz 7
  • Potential data race in ThreadGroupImpl::start() and ThreadGroupImpl::thread_run()

    Potential data race in ThreadGroupImpl::start() and ThreadGroupImpl::thread_run()

    Hi all,

    我们的bug检测工具报告了两个数据竞争,都在ThreadGroupImpl::start() 和 ThreadGroupImpl::thread_run()这两个函数中。位置分别是 thread_group_impl.c#L255, thread_group_impl.c#L135thread_group_impl.c#L257, thread_group_impl.c#L133


        static void* thread_run(void* param)
            ThreadParam* thread_param = reinterpret_cast<ThreadParam*>(param);
            // init
            if (thread_param->init_func && !thread_param->init_func->Run())
                thread_param->init_fail = true;
            thread_param->init_done = true;


        bool start()
            for (int i = 0; i < _thread_num; ++i)
                int ret = pthread_create(&_threads[i], NULL, &ThreadGroupImpl::thread_run, &_thread_params[i]);
                        if (_thread_params[i].init_done)
                            if (_thread_params[i].init_fail)
                                init_fail = true;


    SourceBrella Inc., Yu

    opened by ITWOI 6
  • sofa-client延时问题


    描述一个现象:启动了一个server, 启动一个client使用同步方式访问这个服务,客户端看到的时间很多都是200ms,但是通过sofa_pbrpc_client,统计功能,succeed_max_time_us最大不到100us,client-server之间ping延时不到0.1ms,造成这种现象可能的原因是什么?多谢了~ @qinzuoyan

    opened by scottzzq 5
  • 增加Server Timeout支持,以避免不必要的response造成带宽占用

    增加Server Timeout支持,以避免不必要的response造成带宽占用





    • Socket连接是会持续保持的,只要不出现传输上的错误或者keep_alive_time超时,socket是不会被关闭的。这样的好处是socket可以最大限度重用,避免重新建立连接的代价;另外socket是复用的,即不同的request在目标地址相同的情况下会共用一个socket通道,如果因为一个request超时就关闭socket是不合理的。
    • 请求超时这不是传输上的错误,因此socket不会关闭,此时关键问题是server端并不知道client端已经超时了,所以依然会正常处理request并把结果发送给client端,造成带宽占用。



    • 在client发送request给server端时,携带一个server_timeout,在server端收到request时记录receive_time,在请求处理完成后通过(current_time - receive_time)计算实际处理时间process_time,如果process_time > server_timeout,则可以推断此时client已经超时了,就不用发response消息了
    • server_timeout是小于client_timeout的,可以通过client_timeout - (client_send_time - client_begin_time)计算得到
    • 可以进一步优化,在request的发送、接收、开始处理、处理完成、发送response的任何时间点,都可以估算剩余时间,如果剩余时间耗尽,在任何时间点都可以提前终止处理,因为client已经超时,再处理也没有意义了。这可以减少不必要的request发送、request在server端的处理、response发送。
    • 另外,这个问题其实与cancel是有关联的:google::protobuf::RpcController其实有一个StartCancel()接口,可以cancel掉一个request使其提前终止,其目的有共同之处。这个功能目前还没有实现,在TODO list中。


    参见pull request #84 但是还有改进的地方:

    • 目前client直接将total_timeout作为server_timeout传给server端,实际上,request在client端的sending buffer中的排队时间没有考虑进来,尤其是网络繁忙的时候排队时间可能会很长,这样server_timeout与实际剩余时间的差别就比较大,仍然会有不必要的response。在RpcClientStream::on_sending()中留了一个TODO就是这个意思。
    opened by qinzuoyan 5
  • add interface to posting protobuf data

    add interface to posting protobuf data


    为此,增加了用户post protobuf数据的接口,用户使用http client,在header中声明 Accept: "application/protobuf" 表示client可以支持protobuf数据



    opened by cyshi 5
  • sofa client出core

    sofa client出core

    #0 0x0000000000cb30a4 in async_result_init (orig_handler=..., this=) at thirdparty/boost/asio/async_result.hpp:62 #1 post<boost::_bi::bind_t<void, void ()(google::protobuf::Closure), boost::_bi::list1<boost::_bi::valuegoogle::protobuf::Closure* > >&> (this=, handler=...) at thirdparty/boost/asio/impl/io_service.hpp:106 #2 post<boost::_bi::bind_t<void, void ()(google::protobuf::Closure), boost::_bi::list1<boost::_bi::valuegoogle::protobuf::Closure* > > > (handler=..., this=) at ./sofa/pbrpc/thread_group_impl.h:222 #3 post (handle=0x35375bf40, this=) at ./sofa/pbrpc/thread_group_impl.h:232 #4 sofa::pbrpc::SimpleRpcChannelImpl::DoneCallback (this=0x1b5663900, done=0x35375bf40, cntl=...) at sofa/pbrpc/simple_rpc_channel_impl.cc:180 #5 0x0000000000c9936b in operator() (a0=..., this=) at thirdparty/boost/function/function_template.hpp:767 #6 sofa::pbrpc::RpcControllerImpl::Done (this=0x31d82b520, error_code=, reason=...) at ./sofa/pbrpc/rpc_controller_impl.h:222 #7 0x0000000000c8f27e in sofa::pbrpc::RpcClientImpl::CallMethod (this=, request=request@entry=0x31394c480, response=response@entry=0x22442f4a0, cntl=...) at sofa/pbrpc/rpc_client_impl.cc:227 #8 0x0000000000cb4012 in sofa::pbrpc::SimpleRpcChannelImpl::CallMethod (this=0x1b5663900, method=, controller=0x313135880, request=0x31394c480, response=0x22442f4a0, done=) at sofa/pbrpc/simple_rpc_channel_impl.cc:147 #9 0x0000000000cb9986 in sofa::pbrpc::DynamicRpcChannelImpl::CallMethod (this=0x1770a3a00, method=0x1b3de0120, controller=0x313135880, request=0x31394c480, response=0x22442f4a0, done=0x35375bf40) at sofa/pbrpc/dynamic_rpc_channel_impl.cc:204 #10 0x0000000000b84a45 in libzp::Cluster::DoNodeSyncTask (arg=0x313134900) at jtable-sofa-client/libzp/src/zp_cluster.cc:1148 #11 0x0000000000b84b1f in libzp::Cluster::AddNodeAsyncTask (node=..., context=) at jtable-sofa-client/libzp/src/zp_cluster.cc:1154 #12 0x0000000000b89951 in libzp::Cluster::DoMgetAsyncTask (arg=0x34b4aee00) at jtable-sofa-client/libzp/src/zp_cluster.cc:871 #13 0x0000000000b8a895 in libzp::Cluster::DoAsyncTask_get (arg=arg@entry=0x34b4aee00) at jtable-sofa-client/libzp/src/zp_cluster.cc:934 #14 0x0000000000b8a9cd in libzp::Cluster::AddAsyncTask_get (this=this@entry=0x2f06240, context=context@entry=0x34b4aee00) at jtable-sofa-client/libzp/src/zp_cluster.cc:982 #15 0x0000000000b8abae in libzp::Cluster::Amget (this=0x2f06240, table=..., keys=...,

    函数调用栈如图, 求解答,谢谢!

    opened by scottzzq 4
  • 有没有这种服务互相调用的方法



    询问一下,如何在处理的时候再去调用别的处理 类似有几部需要处理,怎么能自动触发下一步,我这里现在是两步 怎么能再第一个Echo中调用Echo2

    class EchoServerImpl : public sofa::pbrpc::test::EchoServer { public: EchoServerImpl() {} virtual ~EchoServerImpl() {}

    private: virtual void Echo(google::protobuf::RpcController* controller, const sofa::pbrpc::test::EchoRequest* request, sofa::pbrpc::test::EchoResponse* response, google::protobuf::Closure* done) { sofa::pbrpc::RpcController* cntl = static_castsofa::pbrpc::RpcController*(controller); SLOG(INFO, "Echo(): request message from %s: %s", cntl->RemoteAddress().c_str(), request->message().c_str()); if (cntl->IsHttp()) { SLOG(INFO, "HTTP-PATH="%s"", cntl->HttpPath().c_str()); std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it; const std::map<std::string, std::string>& query_params = cntl->HttpQueryParams(); for (it = query_params.begin(); it != query_params.end(); ++it) { SLOG(INFO, "QueryParam["%s"]="%s"", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); } const std::map<std::string, std::string>& headers = cntl->HttpHeaders(); for (it = headers.begin(); it != headers.end(); ++it) { SLOG(INFO, "Header["%s"]="%s"", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); } } response->set_message("echo message: " + request->message()); done->Run(); } virtual void Echo2(google::protobuf::RpcController* controller, const sofa::pbrpc::test::EchoRequest* request, sofa::pbrpc::test::EchoResponse* response, google::protobuf::Closure* done) { sofa::pbrpc::RpcController* cntl = static_castsofa::pbrpc::RpcController*(controller); SLOG(INFO, "Echo(): request message from %s: %s", cntl->RemoteAddress().c_str(), request->message().c_str()); if (cntl->IsHttp()) { SLOG(INFO, "HTTP-PATH="%s"", cntl->HttpPath().c_str()); std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it; const std::map<std::string, std::string>& query_params = cntl->HttpQueryParams(); for (it = query_params.begin(); it != query_params.end(); ++it) { SLOG(INFO, "QueryParam["%s"]="%s"", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); } const std::map<std::string, std::string>& headers = cntl->HttpHeaders(); for (it = headers.begin(); it != headers.end(); ++it) { SLOG(INFO, "Header["%s"]="%s"", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); } } response->set_message("echo message: " + request->message()); done->Run(); } };

    opened by JackyLucifer 0
  • 关于volatile变量相关的问题


    看了代码中有很多volatile修饰的变量,目的是什么,为了statistics更加准确以及为了使用sofa-pbrpc中提供的原子操作吗? 代码中有这样的注释: // And here we need not lock "_pending_lock" because the "_pending_message_count" is // an volatile value. 请教一下volatile与锁有关系吗?

    opened by pengwang7 0
  • bugs on weak memory model arch.(arm/power)

    bugs on weak memory model arch.(arm/power)

    RpcMessageStream::try_start_send() 1can miss pending messages because it first performs a relaxed load of _send_token which can miss store/store_release of _send_token.

    RpcMessageStream::get_from_pending_queue() 2can miss pending messages because it performs a relaxed load of _pending_message_count before entering the critical section guarded by _pending_lock, again, the relaxed load can miss store/store_release of _pending_message_count.

    With the above two defects combined, the current message calling try_start_send() and the previous message calling get_from_pending_queue() (on_write_some() ---> try_start_send() ---> get_from_pending_queue() ) both may miss the chance to send the current pending message, which lead to the current pending message siting idle in _pending_callsuntil timeout.

    I believe the scenario described above is quite likely to happen under weak memory model such as aarch64 and ppc64.

    opened by zergvszerg 0
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