Artisan Command for FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS_Fixer


Laravel PHP CS Fixer

The PHP CS Fixer is maintained on GitHub at bug reports and ideas about new features are welcome there.

The PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP CS Fixer) tool fixes your code to follow standards; whether you want to follow PHP coding standards as defined in the PSR-1, PSR-2, etc., or other community driven ones like the Symfony one. You can also define your (teams) style through configuration.

This package makes it easier than ever to use PHP CS Fixer to maintain your laravel code by providing access to it via tools that you are already familiar with. An artisan command to fix the code, and manage the configuration the way you do all the other laravel packages you use.

Features of this package

  • Run PHP-CS-Fixer commands via Laravel Artisan CLI.
  • Laravel Code Style Configuration Used by Default.
  • No need to learn a new tool.

Versions and compatibility

Note: This documentation was written for Laravel 5.5.

  • PHP Version: "^7.1.3 || ^8.0"
  • Laravel/Lumen: "^5.4|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0"
  • PHP-CS-Fixer: "^3.0.0"


composer require stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer


The default rule configuration is in the fixer.php and is intended to match the rules used by Laravel Shift.

if you want to modify this yourself, just use artisan php artisan vendor:publish --provider="STS\Fixer\FixerServiceProvider" and it will put the default configuration in 'config/fixer.php'. Check the
PHP-CS-Fixer/README for valid rules.


Fix Your Code

Fix your code with Laravel Coding Standards.


$ php artisan fixer:fix [options]


  fixer:fix [options] [--] [<path>...]

  path                               The path. Can be a list of space separated paths

      --path-mode=PATH-MODE          Specify path mode (can be override or intersection). [default: "override"]
      --allow-risky=ALLOW-RISKY      Are risky fixers allowed (can be yes or no).
      --config=CONFIG                The path to a .php-cs-fixer.php file.
      --dry-run                      Only shows which files would have been modified.
      --rules=RULES                  The rules.
      --using-cache=USING-CACHE      Does cache should be used (can be yes or no).
      --cache-file=CACHE-FILE        The path to the cache file.
      --diff                         Also produce diff for each file.
      --format=FORMAT                To output results in other formats.
      --stop-on-violation            Stop execution on first violation.
      --show-progress=SHOW-PROGRESS  Type of progress indicator (none, dots).
  -h, --help                         Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                        Do not output any message
  -V, --version                      Display this application version
      --ansi                         Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                      Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction               Do not ask any interactive question
      --env[=ENV]                    The environment the command should run under
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose               Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
  • Multiple --path options

    Multiple --path options

    First of all - thanks for the package!

    Faced next issue: I'd like to specify 2 project folders (app and tests) for fixer command using --path option.

    According to README it supports multiple values:

          --path[=PATH]                    The path. (multiple values allowed)

    Here is my command:

    php artisan fixer:fix --path app --path tests --dry-run

    Error in result For multiple paths config parameter is required.:

       PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidConfigurationException  : For multiple paths config parameter is required.
      at path_to_project\vendor\friendsofphp\php-cs-fixer\src\Console\ConfigurationResolver.php:582
        579|         if ($this->isStdIn() || 0 === \count($path)) {
        580|             $configDir = $this->cwd;
        581|         } elseif (1 < \count($path)) {
      > 582|             throw new InvalidConfigurationException('For multiple paths config parameter is required.');
        583|         } elseif (is_file($path[0]) && $dirName = pathinfo($path[0], PATHINFO_DIRNAME)) {
        584|             $configDir = $dirName;
        585|         } else {
        586|             $configDir = $path[0];

    So here are questions from my side:

    1. Do we have an example of config file for multiple paths?
    2. Do we need to remove (multiple values allowed) from --path docs?

    Thanks in advance!

    Type: Question Status: In Progress Priority: Medium 
    opened by rodion-arr 6
  • Package does not run and here is the details and error.

    Package does not run and here is the details and error.

    Package does not run and here is the details and error. SYSTEM DETAILS LARAVEL 5.7 "stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer": "^2.1"

    vagrant@homestead:~/code$ php artisan fixer:fix --dry-run
      Argument 1 passed to PhpCsFixer\Config::setRules() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/vagrant/code/vendor/stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer/src/Console/FixCommand.php on line 146
      at vendor/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer/src/Config.php:259
        256|     /**
        257|      * {@inheritdoc}
        258|      */
      > 259|     public function setRules(array $rules)
        260|     {
        261|         $this->rules = $rules;
        263|         return $this;
          +17 vendor frames
      18  artisan:37
    opened by ap-coder 4
  • Laravel 7 support

    Laravel 7 support

    You have it in master but not released the version.

    composer require stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer --dev
    Using version ^2.0 for stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer
    ./composer.json has been updated
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Conclusion: remove laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - Conclusion: don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer v2.0.0 requires illuminate/support ^5.4|^6.0 -> satisfiable by illuminate/support[5.7.17, 5.7.18, 5.7.19, v5.4.0, v5.4.13, v5.4.17, v5.4.19, v5.4.27, v5.4.36, v5.4.9, v5.5.0, v5.5.16, v5.5.17, v5.5.2, v5.5.28, v5.5.33, v5.5.34, v5.5.35, v5.5.36, v5.5.37, v5.5.39, v5.5.40, v5.5.41, v5.5.43, v5.5.44, v5.6.0, v5.6.1, v5.6.10, v5.6.11, v5.6.12, v5.6.13, v5.6.14, v5.6.15, v5.6.16, v5.6.17, v5.6.19, v5.6.2, v5.6.20, v5.6.21, v5.6.22, v5.6.23, v5.6.24, v5.6.25, v5.6.26, v5.6.27, v5.6.28, v5.6.29, v5.6.3, v5.6.30, v5.6.31, v5.6.32, v5.6.33, v5.6.34, v5.6.35, v5.6.36, v5.6.37, v5.6.38, v5.6.39, v5.6.4, v5.6.5, v5.6.6, v5.6.7, v5.6.8, v5.6.9, v5.7.0, v5.7.1, v5.7.10, v5.7.11, v5.7.15, v5.7.2, v5.7.20, v5.7.21, v5.7.22, v5.7.23, v5.7.26, v5.7.27, v5.7.28, v5.7.3, v5.7.4, v5.7.5, v5.7.6, v5.7.7, v5.7.8, v5.7.9, v5.8.0, v5.8.11, v5.8.12, v5.8.14, v5.8.15, v5.8.17, v5.8.18, v5.8.19, v5.8.2, v5.8.20, v5.8.22, v5.8.24, v5.8.27, v5.8.28, v5.8.29, v5.8.3, v5.8.30, v5.8.31, v5.8.32, v5.8.33, v5.8.34, v5.8.35, v5.8.36, v5.8.4, v5.8.8, v5.8.9, v6.0.0, v6.0.1, v6.0.2, v6.0.3, v6.0.4, v6.1.0, v6.10.0, v6.11.0, v6.12.0, v6.13.0, v6.13.1, v6.14.0, v6.15.0, v6.15.1, v6.16.0, v6.17.0, v6.17.1, v6.18.0, v6.2.0, v6.3.0, v6.4.1, v6.5.0, v6.5.1, v6.5.2, v6.6.0, v6.6.1, v6.6.2, v6.7.0, v6.8.0].
        - stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer v2.0.1 requires illuminate/support ^5.4|^6.0 -> satisfiable by illuminate/support[5.7.17, 5.7.18, 5.7.19, v5.4.0, v5.4.13, v5.4.17, v5.4.19, v5.4.27, v5.4.36, v5.4.9, v5.5.0, v5.5.16, v5.5.17, v5.5.2, v5.5.28, v5.5.33, v5.5.34, v5.5.35, v5.5.36, v5.5.37, v5.5.39, v5.5.40, v5.5.41, v5.5.43, v5.5.44, v5.6.0, v5.6.1, v5.6.10, v5.6.11, v5.6.12, v5.6.13, v5.6.14, v5.6.15, v5.6.16, v5.6.17, v5.6.19, v5.6.2, v5.6.20, v5.6.21, v5.6.22, v5.6.23, v5.6.24, v5.6.25, v5.6.26, v5.6.27, v5.6.28, v5.6.29, v5.6.3, v5.6.30, v5.6.31, v5.6.32, v5.6.33, v5.6.34, v5.6.35, v5.6.36, v5.6.37, v5.6.38, v5.6.39, v5.6.4, v5.6.5, v5.6.6, v5.6.7, v5.6.8, v5.6.9, v5.7.0, v5.7.1, v5.7.10, v5.7.11, v5.7.15, v5.7.2, v5.7.20, v5.7.21, v5.7.22, v5.7.23, v5.7.26, v5.7.27, v5.7.28, v5.7.3, v5.7.4, v5.7.5, v5.7.6, v5.7.7, v5.7.8, v5.7.9, v5.8.0, v5.8.11, v5.8.12, v5.8.14, v5.8.15, v5.8.17, v5.8.18, v5.8.19, v5.8.2, v5.8.20, v5.8.22, v5.8.24, v5.8.27, v5.8.28, v5.8.29, v5.8.3, v5.8.30, v5.8.31, v5.8.32, v5.8.33, v5.8.34, v5.8.35, v5.8.36, v5.8.4, v5.8.8, v5.8.9, v6.0.0, v6.0.1, v6.0.2, v6.0.3, v6.0.4, v6.1.0, v6.10.0, v6.11.0, v6.12.0, v6.13.0, v6.13.1, v6.14.0, v6.15.0, v6.15.1, v6.16.0, v6.17.0, v6.17.1, v6.18.0, v6.2.0, v6.3.0, v6.4.1, v6.5.0, v6.5.1, v6.5.2, v6.6.0, v6.6.1, v6.6.2, v6.7.0, v6.8.0].
        - don't install illuminate/support 5.7.17|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support 5.7.18|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support 5.7.19|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.16|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.17|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.28|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.33|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.34|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.35|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.36|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.37|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.39|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.40|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.41|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.43|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.5.44|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.10|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.11|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.12|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.13|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.14|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.15|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.16|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.17|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.19|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.20|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.21|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.22|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.23|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.24|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.25|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.26|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.27|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.28|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.29|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.3|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.30|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.31|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.32|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.33|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.34|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.35|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.36|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.37|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.38|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.39|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.4|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.5|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.6|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.7|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.8|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.6.9|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.10|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.11|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.15|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.20|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.21|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.22|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.23|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.26|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.27|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.28|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.3|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.4|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.5|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.6|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.7|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.8|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.7.9|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.11|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.12|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.14|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.15|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.17|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.18|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.19|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.20|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.22|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.24|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.27|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.28|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.29|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.3|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.30|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.31|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.32|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.33|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.34|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.35|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.36|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.4|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.8|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.8.9|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.0.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.0.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.0.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.0.3|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.0.4|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.1.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.10.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.11.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.12.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.13.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.13.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.14.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.15.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.15.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.16.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.17.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.17.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.18.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.2.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.3.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.4.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.5.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.5.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.5.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.6.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.6.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.6.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.7.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v6.8.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.13|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.17|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.19|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.27|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.36|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.9|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.4
        - Installation request for laravel/framework (locked at v7.0.4, required as ^7.0) -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v7.0.4].
        - Installation request for stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer ^2.0 -> satisfiable by stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer[v2.0.0, v2.0.1].
    opened by mbalandis 4
  • license violation

    license violation is almost copy-paste of , especially the execute method.

    While it's OK to take benefit of the code, one doing that should respect the license and copyrights - especially the following

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

    right now, this package is claiming full copyrights for this package

    opened by keradus 3
  • Class PhpCsFixer\Report\ReportSummary not found

    Class PhpCsFixer\Report\ReportSummary not found

    I've found PhpCsFixer has a new release v2.18.6 and no have ReportSummary class anymore. I've got an error when running the fixer command.

    Class "PhpCsFixer\Report\ReportSummary" not found
      at vendor/stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer/src/Console/FixCommand.php:97
         9495$fixEvent = $this->stopwatch->getEvent('fixFiles');
      ➜  97$reportSummary = new ReportSummary(
        101▕             OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE <= $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity(),
          +13 vendor frames 
      14  artisan:37
          Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

    Please let me know when you fix this issue. Now I fix the version of PhpCsFixer at 2.18.5 to avoid this issue.

    opened by ALTELMA 3
  • Verbosity level is not working

    Verbosity level is not working

    The command gives the same result as without the verbosity:

    php artisan fixer:fix --show-progress=dots -v

    This is because the verbosity is set by default, but not from the output.

    opened by stasadev 0
  • Too few arguments to function FixCommandExitStatusCalculator::calculate

    Too few arguments to function FixCommandExitStatusCalculator::calculate


    • Version: 2.16.0


    "stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer": "^2.0"


     Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError  : Too few arguments to function PhpCsFixer\Console\Command\FixCommandExitStatusCalculator::calculate(), 4 passed in /Users/user/project/vendor/stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer/src/Console/FixCommand.php on line 138 and exactly 5 expected
      at /Users/user/project/vendor/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer/src/Console/Command/FixCommandExitStatusCalculator.php:38
        34|      * @param bool $hasLintErrorsAfterFixing
        35|      *
        36|      * @return int
        37|      */
      > 38|     public function calculate($isDryRun, $hasChangedFiles, $hasInvalidErrors, $hasExceptionErrors, $hasLintErrorsAfterFixing)
        39|     {
        40|         $exitStatus = 0;
        42|         if ($isDryRun) {
      Exception trace:
      1   PhpCsFixer\Console\Command\FixCommandExitStatusCalculator::calculate()
      2   STS\Fixer\Console\FixCommand::handle()

    Possible solution

    Seems like a $hasLintErrorsAfterFixing has to be passed to calculate() as well. This is new in Version 2.16.0, which (after SemVer) shouldn't be a breaking change. But it is 🤷‍♂.

    • File: vendor/stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer/src/Console/FixCommand.php
    • Line: 132 - 139
    $exitStatusCalculator = new FixCommandExitStatusCalculator();
            return $exitStatusCalculator->calculate(
                count($changed) > 0,
                count($invalidErrors) > 0,
                count($exceptionErrors) > 0

    Hope this helps @bubba-h57

    Type: Enhancement Status: In Progress Priority: Medium 
    opened by repat 0
  • Laravel-PHP-CS-Fixer with php-cs-fixer in vs-code

    Laravel-PHP-CS-Fixer with php-cs-fixer in vs-code

    • Is it possible to integrate with the extensionphp-cs-fixer in vs-code so that it formats with the configurations of Laravel-PHP-CS-Fixer where a file is saved?
    opened by Daespinosag 2
  • Support a exclude parameter

    Support a exclude parameter

    We need support to exclude parameters through config/fixer.php like 'exclude' => ['nodes_modules']. Also you can include that on FixCommand.php notPath('node_modules' ) as default.

    opened by andreseko 0
  • Custom fixer.php completely ignored

    Custom fixer.php completely ignored

    I am trying to customize the config/fixer.php that this package generates to tweak some of the rules, but they are completely ignored. No matter what I change in that file, none of the changes get picked up. Also, the fixer.php still uses rule names from the old php-cs-fixer version 2. For example lowercase_constants should now be constant_case.

    If I reimplement the rules as-is (no changes) inside a .php-cs-fixer.dist.php file and then run this command php artisan fixer:fix --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php then it clearly errors out with this error:

    The rules contain unknown fixers: "lowercase_constants" (did you mean "lowercase_cast"?), "phpdoc_inline_tag" (did you mean "phpdoc_line_span"?), "psr4", "trailing_comma_in_multiline_array" (did you mean "trailing_comma_in_multiline"?).

    So there seems to be 2 issues currently:

    • The optional config/fixer.php that can be generated through the package is completely ignored.
    • The rules used inside the fixer.php file haven't been updated to use the new php-cs-fixer version 3 names.
    opened by Krunch 2
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