Submitted under the GarudaHacks 2.0
This is a digital way of interacting with the project. Any user can just signup for the website and can see the various sections of it. As soon as the user gets into the index page, he can use this single-paged website and can have a look at what the project offers. It has various sections like: The lightbox section, galery section, schedule section and much more.
Say if a user which has the hadrware installed in his home and logs into the website, then he can use the Switch It Off buton to turn off the motor immidiately.
We will be adding couple of more functionalities to the website, like adding the option to download the csv file of the water tank's activity for the user. We will making the process more automated of optiong for the hardware studd online so that the user don't have to go anywhere to get the setup isntalled in the home. In this way, user can just directly get in touch with us and talk regarding the process of installing the hardware and the benefits for the same?