Projet réalisé dans le cadre de l'apprentissage des API et d'API Platform



BileMo est une entreprise offrant toute une sélection de téléphones mobiles haut de gamme.

Vous êtes en charge du développement de la vitrine de téléphones mobiles de l’entreprise BileMo. Le business modèle de BileMo n’est pas de vendre directement ses produits sur le site web, mais de fournir à toutes les plateformes qui le souhaitent l’accès au catalogue via une API (Application Programming Interface). Il s’agit donc de vente exclusivement en B2B (business to business).

Il va falloir que vous exposiez un certain nombre d’API pour que les applications des autres plateformes web puissent effectuer des opérations.

Il doit être possible de :

  • consulter la liste des produits BileMo
  • consulter les détails d’un produit BileMo
  • consulter la liste des utilisateurs inscrits liés à un client sur le site web
  • consulter le détail d’un utilisateur inscrit lié à un client
  • ajouter un nouvel utilisateur lié à un client
  • supprimer un utilisateur ajouté par un client.

Seuls les clients référencés peuvent accéder aux API. Les clients de l’API doivent être authentifiés via OAuth ou JWT.

Run Locally

Clone the project

Run the docker-compose

  docker-compose up -d --build

Install the project

composer install

Configure database connexion(no password required)


Create database and install it (in www container)

  php bin/console doctrine:database:create

Update schema

  php bin/console doctrine:schema:update -f

Load Fixtures

  php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction

Reload Fixtures after change

  composer prepare

Start the docker container

  docker start <container_name>

Start the HTTP server in daemon

  symfony serve -d

Credentials to login

  password: '12345678'


  • PHP 8.0
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • Restyle Tests

    Restyle Tests

    Automated style fixes for #20, created by Restyled.

    The following restylers made fixes:

    To incorporate these changes, merge this Pull Request into the original. We recommend using the Squash or Rebase strategies.

    NOTE: As work continues on the original Pull Request, this process will re-run and update (force-push) this Pull Request with updated style fixes as necessary. If the style is fixed manually at any point (i.e. this process finds no fixes to make), this Pull Request will be closed automatically.

    Sorry if this was unexpected. To disable it, see our documentation.

    opened by restyled-io[bot] 0
  • Restyle doctrine extension to get only current users data

    Restyle doctrine extension to get only current users data

    Automated style fixes for #17, created by Restyled.

    The following restylers made fixes:

    To incorporate these changes, merge this Pull Request into the original. We recommend using the Squash or Rebase strategies.

    NOTE: As work continues on the original Pull Request, this process will re-run and update (force-push) this Pull Request with updated style fixes as necessary. If the style is fixed manually at any point (i.e. this process finds no fixes to make), this Pull Request will be closed automatically.

    Sorry if this was unexpected. To disable it, see our documentation.

    opened by restyled-io[bot] 0
  • Restyle added eventsuscriber to add Client & CreatedAt on POST Customer

    Restyle added eventsuscriber to add Client & CreatedAt on POST Customer

    Automated style fixes for #14, created by Restyled.

    The following restylers made fixes:

    To incorporate these changes, merge this Pull Request into the original. We recommend using the Squash or Rebase strategies.

    NOTE: As work continues on the original Pull Request, this process will re-run and update (force-push) this Pull Request with updated style fixes as necessary. If the style is fixed manually at any point (i.e. this process finds no fixes to make), this Pull Request will be closed automatically.

    Sorry if this was unexpected. To disable it, see our documentation.

    opened by restyled-io[bot] 0
  • Restyle authentication + ACL implemented

    Restyle authentication + ACL implemented

    Automated style fixes for #11, created by Restyled.

    The following restylers made fixes:

    To incorporate these changes, merge this Pull Request into the original. We recommend using the Squash or Rebase strategies.

    NOTE: As work continues on the original Pull Request, this process will re-run and update (force-push) this Pull Request with updated style fixes as necessary. If the style is fixed manually at any point (i.e. this process finds no fixes to make), this Pull Request will be closed automatically.

    Sorry if this was unexpected. To disable it, see our documentation.

    opened by restyled-io[bot] 0
  • Restyle custom denormalizer to allow validator check date

    Restyle custom denormalizer to allow validator check date

    Automated style fixes for #8, created by Restyled.

    The following restylers made fixes:

    To incorporate these changes, merge this Pull Request into the original. We recommend using the Squash or Rebase strategies.

    NOTE: As work continues on the original Pull Request, this process will re-run and update (force-push) this Pull Request with updated style fixes as necessary. If the style is fixed manually at any point (i.e. this process finds no fixes to make), this Pull Request will be closed automatically.

    Sorry if this was unexpected. To disable it, see our documentation.

    opened by restyled-io[bot] 0
  • Restyle fixtures added

    Restyle fixtures added

    Automated style fixes for #5, created by Restyled.

    The following restylers made fixes:

    To incorporate these changes, merge this Pull Request into the original. We recommend using the Squash or Rebase strategies.

    NOTE: As work continues on the original Pull Request, this process will re-run and update (force-push) this Pull Request with updated style fixes as necessary. If the style is fixed manually at any point (i.e. this process finds no fixes to make), this Pull Request will be closed automatically.

    Sorry if this was unexpected. To disable it, see our documentation.

    opened by restyled-io[bot] 0
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