Oui cookie - Cookie management plugin for @Textpattern




Set, check, read, reset or delete cookies manually or through GET/POST parameters.

. According to the EU legislation, some cookies need the user consent before to be set.

Plugin requirements

oui_cookie’s minimum requirements:

Plugin management


From the admin interface

  1. Download the compiled plugin file or the source to compile a customized file.
  2. Paste the content of the compiled plugin file under the “Admin > Plugins”:?event=plugin tab and click the Upload button.
  3. Confirm the plugin install by clicking the Install button on the plugin preview page.
  4. Enable the plugin.

Via Composer

After installing Composer

  1. Target your project directory:
    $ cd /path/to/your/textpattern/installation/dir
  2. If it’s not already done, lock your version of Txp:
    $ composer require textpattern/lock:4.6.2, where 4.6.2 is the Txp version in use.
  3. Install oui_cookie:
    $ composer require oui/oui_cookie


From the admin interface

  1. Follow the installation instruction above.

Via Composer

$ composer update oui/oui_cookie


From the admin interface

  1. Check the box on the left of the plugin row under the “Admin > Plugins”:?event=plugin.
  2. open the select list at the bottom of the plugins table and choose Delete.
  3. confirm the plugin deletion.

Via Composer

$ composer remove oui/oui_cookie


<txp:oui_cookie name="…" />


<txp:oui_cookie name="…">



Value: string; none by default.
The cookie (and GET/POST parmater) name you want to use. If no other attibutes are defined, the tag will read and display the related value.

Manually set a cookie

Value: string; none by default.
A value to manually set the named cookie.
You can also set the cookie value by using a continer tag like you would for a variable.

Set a cookie through a GET/POST parameter

Value: comma separated list of strings; none by default.
A comma separated list of accepted values for the GET/POST parameter and its cookie.


Value: string; none by default.
A default value.
If set, the plugin conditional tag will always be true if not check against a defined value.


Value: string; none by default.
An GET/POST parameter value used to delete the cookie.

Optional cookie settings

Value: strtotime value, +1 day by default.
The duration of the cookie.

Delete a cookie

Value: 0 or 1; 0 by default.
If set to 1 this attribute will delete the named cookie.

<txp:oui_if_cookie name="…">
<txp:else />

This tag checks the status or the value of the cookie (and/or the related GET/POST parameter) defined by the name attribute.



Value: string; none by default.
The cookie (and GET/POST parameter) name you want to use.


Value: string; none by default.
A value to check against the cookie (and/or the GET/POST parameter) value.


Front-end articles sorting

List the sort options you want to use:

<form action="#" method="post">
    <select name="sort_by">
        <option value="custom_1"<txp:oui_if_cookie name="sort_by" value="custom_1"> disabled selected</txp:oui_if_cookie>>Size</option>
        <option value="custom_2"<txp:oui_if_cookie name="sort_by" value="custom_2"> disabled selected</txp:oui_if_cookie>>Weight</option>
    <input type="submit" value="Sort">

Then, catch the GET/POST parameter sent by this list to store it (useful to keep the sort order pages after pages).

<txp:oui_cookie name="sort_by" values="custom_1, custom_2" default="custom_1" />

Now use the new value as the value of the sort attribute of your article tag.

<txp:article sort='<txp:oui_cookie name="sort_by" />' />

Last viewed article

Store the current article id in a cookie:

    <txp:oui_cookie name="last_article" value='<txp:article_id />' />

Now, use the following code anywhere you want to display the last viewed article.

<txp:if_cookie name="last_article">
    <txp:article_custom id='<txp:oui_cookie name="last_article" />' />

EU cookies Warning

<txp:oui_cookie name="accept_cookies" values="yes" />

<txp:oui_if_cookie name="accept_cookies">
<txp:else />
    <div id="cookies-warning">
        <p>This website uses cookies. <a id="accept_cookies" href="?accept_cookies=yes">I agree, remove this message!</a></p>

Now, you can add some progressive enhancement to avoid to refresh the page if javascript is on.
However, note that it wouldn’t instantaneously display a potential alternative content placed before the <txp:else /> tag if the cookie is not set/setting.

    (function() {
        // Get the link which should remove the warning.
        var accept = document.getElementById('accept_cookies');

        // If it exists, listen it…
        if (accept) {
            accept.addEventListener('click', removeWarning);

        // It is clicked!
        function removeWarning(e){
            document.cookie = 'accept_cookies=yes;path=/;expires=864e2'; // Set the cookie for the whole domain for 1 day.
            var warning = document.getElementById('cookies-warning'); // Get the warning message to remove.
            warning.remove(); // Remove the message.
            e.preventDefault(); // Do not follow the link; everything's already done!



Nicolas Morand
Thank you to the Textpattern community and the core team.


This plugin is distributed under GPL v2.0.

oui_cookie version 1.0.0-BETA3, Copyright © 2018 Nicolas Morand
This Textpattern plugin comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.


  • 1.0.0-beta3 (2018-07-06)
  • 0.2.3 (2016-06-21)
    • Code rewrite;
    • manual cookie setting added;
    • display attribute removed (setting and reading are now separated);
    • deletion process changed.
  • 0.1.3 (2016-05-29)
    • improves conditional tag results;
    • delete attribute unset by default (but any none valid value for a defined GET/POST parameter will delete the related cookie).
  • 0.1.2 (2016-05-26)
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