Swap Dero -> Monero
dARCH 2021 Event 0.5 — Services Only
- php 7.2+
- composer
- monero
- dero
- postman or insomnia
In a first terminal, clone the repository's folder
git clone https://github.com/netwarp/poc_swap_xmr_dero cd poc_swap_xmr_dero cp .env.example .env composer install
In the dero's folder, launch the daemon in testnet mode.
Then, create two wallet. One called wallet_service, the other one wallet_user
# In a terminal (this one always runs) ./derod --testnet # In another terminal ./dero-wallet-cli --testnet --generate-new-wallet wallet_service ./dero-wallet-cli --testnet --generate-new-wallet wallet_user # currently the argument --generate-new-wallet doesn't work, create wallets manually
In the monero's folder, launch the daemon in stagenet mode.
Then, create two wallet. One called wallet_service, the other one wallet_user
# In a terminal (this one always runs) ./monerod --stagenet # In another terminal ./monero-wallet-cli --stagenet --generate-new-wallet wallet_service ./monero-wallet-cli --stagenet --generate-new-wallet wallet_user
Fill the wallets
The user send dero to the service
Then the service send monero to user
So let's fill two wallets:
wallet_user (dero) and wallet_service (monero)
For dero, register your new account on testnet
Start the service
Terminal 1: run the dero daemon
derod --testnet
Terminal 2: run the dero wallet user
dero-wallet-cli --testnet --wallet-file=wallet_user
Terminal 3: run the dero wallet service
dero-wallet-cli --testnet --rpc-server --wallet-file=wallet_user
Terminal 4: run the monero daemon in stagenet
monerod --stagenet
Terminal 5: run the monero wallet user
monero-wallet-cli --stagenet --wallet-file=wallet_user
Terminal 6: run the monero wallet service
monero-wallet-rpc.exe --rpc-bind-ip= --rpc-bind-port=38083 --disable-rpc-login --log-level=3 --wallet-file=wallet_service --prompt-for-password --stagenet
Do some test
Send dero from wallet_user to wallet_service.
Terminal 7:
cd poc_swap_xmr_dero # prepare a transaction dero -> monero php bin/swap-cli # prepare a transaction monero -> dero php bin/swap-cli # run the swap php bin/swap.exe
Should return: We have receided the dero and sent your monero
Do not test in any mainnet.
Dero address: dERirD3WyQi4udWH7478H66Ryqn3syEU8bywCQEu3k5ULohQRcz4uoXP12NjmN4STmEDbpHZWqa7bPRiHNFPFgTBPmcBpfpJaKT8nKPXJx1Qt