Chargily ePay Gateway PHP


Chargily ePay Gateway PHP

Chargily ePay Gateway

Make ePayment gateway integration with Chargily easier

  • Currently support payment by CIB / EDAHABIA cards and soon by Visa / Mastercard
  • This is a PHP package, If you are using another programing language Browse here or look to API documentation


  1. PHP 7.2.5 and later.
  2. Get your API Key/Secret from ePay by Chargily dashboard for free


  1. Via Composer (Recomended)
composer require chargily/epay-gateway
  1. Download as ZIP We do not recommend this option. But be careful to download the updated versions every a while Download

Quick start

  1. create config file epay_config.php This is where store your api credentials
//  Configurations file
return [
    'key' => 'your-api-key', // you can you found it on your Dashboard
    'secret' => 'your-api-secret', // you can you found it on your Dashboard
  1. create payment redirection file redirect.php
"valid-url-to-receive-payment-informations", // this is where you receive payment informations ], //mode 'mode' => 'EDAHABIA', //OR CIB //payment details 'payment' => [ 'number' => 'payment-number-from-your-side', // Payment or order number 'client_name' => 'client name', // Client name 'client_email' => '', // This is where client receive payment receipt after confirmation 'amount' => 75, //this the amount must be greater than or equal 75 'discount' => 0, //this is discount percentage between 0 and 99 'description' => 'payment-description', // this is the payment description ] ]); // get redirect url $redirectUrl = $chargily->getRedirectUrl(); //like : // if($redirectUrl){ //redirect header('Location: '.$redirectUrl); }else{ echo "We cant redirect to your payment now"; }">
use Chargily\ePay\Chargily;

require 'path-to-vendor/vendor/autoload.php';

$epay_config = require 'epay_config.php';

$chargily = new Chargily([
    'api_key' => $epay_config['key'],
    'api_secret' => $epay_config['secret'],
    'urls' => [
        'back_url' => "valid-url-to-redirect-after-payment", // this is where client redirected after payment processing
        'webhook_url' => "valid-url-to-receive-payment-informations", // this is where you receive payment informations
    'mode' => 'EDAHABIA', //OR CIB
    //payment details
    'payment' => [
        'number' => 'payment-number-from-your-side', // Payment or order number
        'client_name' => 'client name', // Client name
        'client_email' => '', // This is where client receive payment receipt after confirmation
        'amount' => 75, //this the amount must be greater than or equal 75 
        'discount' => 0, //this is discount percentage between 0 and 99
        'description' => 'payment-description', // this is the payment description

// get redirect url
$redirectUrl = $chargily->getRedirectUrl();
//like :
    header('Location: '.$redirectUrl);
    echo "We cant redirect to your payment now";
  1. create payment processing file process.php
array( "id" => 5566321, "client" => "Client name", "invoice_number" => "123456789", "due_date" => "2022-01-01 00:00:00", "status" => "paid", "amount" => 75, "fee" => 25, "discount" => 0, "comment" => "Payment description", "tos" => 1, "mode" => "EDAHABIA", "invoice_token" => "randoom_token_here", "due_amount" => 10000, "created_at" => "2022-01-01 06:10:38", "updated_at" => "2022-01-01 06:13:00", "back_url" => "", "new" => 1, ); ) */ exit('OK'); } ">
use Chargily\ePay\Chargily;

require 'path-to-vendor/vendor/autoload.php';

$epay_config = require 'epay_config.php';

$chargily = new Chargily([
    'api_key' => $epay_config['key'],
    'api_secret' => $epay_config['secret'],

if ($chargily->checkResponse()) {
    $response = $chargily->getResponseDetails();
    //@ToDo: Validate order status by $response['invoice']['invoice_number']. If it is not already approved, approve it.
    //something else
        $response like the follwing array
            $response = array(
                "invoice" => array(
                            "id" => 5566321,
                            "client" => "Client name",
                            "invoice_number" => "123456789",
                            "due_date" => "2022-01-01 00:00:00",
                            "status" => "paid",
                            "amount" => 75,
                            "fee" => 25,
                            "discount" => 0,
                            "comment" => "Payment description",
                            "tos" => 1,
                            "mode" => "EDAHABIA",
                            "invoice_token" => "randoom_token_here",
                            "due_amount" => 10000,
                            "created_at" => "2022-01-01 06:10:38",
                            "updated_at" => "2022-01-01 06:13:00",
                            "back_url" => "",
                            "new" => 1,


  • Available Configurations
key description redirect url process url
api_key must be string given by organization required required
api_secret must be string given by organization required required
urls must be array required not required
urls[back_url] must be string and valid url required not required
urls[process_url] must be string and valid url required not required
mode must be in CIB,EDAHABIA required not required
payment[number] must be string or int required not required
payment[client_name] must be string required not required
payment[client_email] must be string and valid email This is where client receive payment receipt after confirmation required not required
payment[amount] must be numeric and greather or equal than 75 required not required
payment[discount] must be numeric and between 0 and 99 (discount in %) required not required
payment[description] must be string required not required
options must be array required not required
options[headers] must be array required not required
options[timeout] must be numeric required not required


  • عدم ارسال تحديث الحالة PROCESSING الى webhook

    عدم ارسال تحديث الحالة PROCESSING الى webhook

    السلام عليكم،

    عند ضغط المستخدم على زر Payer وانتقاله الى صفحة الدفع (إما CIB او EDAHABIA)

    payer btn

    لا يتم ارسال معلومات الى Webhook أن العملية أصبحت في حالة PROCESSING.

    في حين انه لو تتحقق داخل لوحة التحكم ستجد ان حالة العملية تغيرت من PENDING الى PROCESSING.

    admin trx status

    هل المشكلة من عندي ؟ ام أنها غير موجودة ضمن API ؟

    بارك الله فيكم.

    opened by abdelhakpro 2
  • تحديد اللغة في صفحة الدفع

    تحديد اللغة في صفحة الدفع

    السلام عليكم،

    هل يمكن اضافة خيار تحديد اللغة في صفحة الدفع؟ مثلا في عند كل من CIB أو EDAHABIA تظهر صفحة الدفع بالفرنسية بشكل افتراضي. لكن لو تلاحظ في الرابط يوجد ملف payment_fr.html بنسخة الفرنسية يمكن تعديله الى النسخة العربية payment_ar.html

    cib_fr edahabia_fr

    بعد التعديل الى payment_ar.html تظهر النسخة العربية

    cib_ar edahabia_ar

    هل يمكن اضافة متغير عند انشاء طلب جديد يتم تحديد فيه لغة الواجهة اذا عربية أو فرنسية وهذا لتسهيل عملية الدفع على العملاء.

    بارك الله فيكم.

    opened by abdelhakpro 2
  • Enhancements


    Hello there, on this PR i added :

    • Support for PHP8 type checking for parameters and for methods return.
    • Support for PSR-1 and PSR-2 .
    • Validator library installed and used to validate configurations rules , instead of traditionally "if else ".
    • New configurations dynamic resolver (based on laravel string helper and __call magic method) (not create a getter for each config).
    • Basic and simple tests added .

    i eddited :

    • Some method are rewritten to be simple .
    • Moved validation of configuration to when initial create Chargily object.
    opened by LAGGOUNE-Walid 2
  • Work on localhost

    Work on localhost

    Hi, i want to know if this package work with local server because i got this error

    Chargily \ ePay \ Exceptions \ InvalidResponseException Invalid response status code (422) when trying to get redirect url . More info ({"message":"The given data was invalid.","errors":{"back_url":["The back url is not a valid URL."],"webhook_url":["The webhook url is not a valid URL."]}})

    Thank you !

    opened by aouniradouan 1
  • Fixed bugs, and added more enhancements

    Fixed bugs, and added more enhancements

    1.Fixed bug :

    1.1. When Chargily object is created for payment, it will validate payment data . and also when is created for webhooks it will be validate with payment rules. So the solution was to separate Payment and Webhooks to diffrent classes.

    2.Implemented single repository pattern . Chargily is splitted into two classes : one for payment and one for webhooks. For payment:

    use Chargily\ePay\ChargilyPayer;
    require "vendor/autoload.php";
    $chargily = new ChargilyPayer([
    // config array
    $redirectUrl = $chargily->getRedirectUrl();

    For webhooks:

    use Chargily\ePay\ChargilyProccessor;
    require "vendor/autoload.php";
    $chargily = new ChargilyProccessor([
        // ...
    if ($chargily->checkResponse()) {
        $response = $chargily->getResponseDetails();

    3.Added depth resolver to configuration resolver. Now you can do :

    $value = $config->from("foobar.barfoo.barbar")->getFoo(); // return Hello world
    // this will return the value inside configuration array ["foobar" => [ "barfoo" => ["barbar" => ["foo" => "Hello world"]] ] ]

    4.Added tests for depth resolver. 5.Added validator interface for webhook and redirectUrl validators. 6.Added abstracted class Chargily with global contructor for ChargilyPayment and ChargilyProccessor. 7.Added debug mode to user configuration array. (default is true)

    $chargily = new ChargilyProccessor([
        "options" => [
           "headers"   =>  [],
            "timeout"   =>  30,
            "debug"     =>  true

    8.Added check when debug mode is true , show exception message . if false quit with http 500.

    opened by LAGGOUNE-Walid 1
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