Swiftlet is quite possibly the smallest MVC framework you'll ever use. And it's swift.
Licensed under the MIT license.
Buzzword compliance
- Clone (or download and extract) Swiftlet into a directory on your PHP supported web server.
- Having Composer installed, run
composer dump-autoload
Getting started: controllers and views
Let's create a page. Each page consists of a controller and at least one view.
The controller does most of the work; views should be limited to simple presentation logic (loops and switches).
Controller src/HelloWorld/Controllers/Foo.php
namespace HelloWorld\Controllers;
use \Swiftlet\Abstracts\Controller as ControllerAbstract;
class Foo extends ControllerAbstract
protected $title = 'Foo'; // Optional but usually desired
// Default action
public function index(array $args = [])
// Pass a variable to the view
$this->view->helloWorld = 'Hello world!';
Important: class names are written in CamelCase and match their filename.
View views/foo.php
<h1><?= $this->pageTitle ?></h1>
<?= $this->helloWorld ?>
The controller can set variables directly on the view. Values are automatically made safe for use in HTML, use $this->get('variable', false)
on values that should be treated as code.
You can now view the page by navigating to http://<swiftlet>/foo
in your web browser!
If you get a "404 Not Found" you will need to enable rewrites in the web server configuration. Alternatively you can navigate to http://<swiftlet>?q=foo
Swiftlet can be invoked from the command line (e.g. to run cron jobs). Simply run php public/index.php -q foo
Notice how you can access the page at /foo
by simply creating a controller named Foo
. The application maps URLs to controllers, actions and arguments.
Consider this URL: /foo/bar
In this case foo
becomes the name of the controller and view and bar
the name of the action. Actions are public methods on the controller class.
You can specify a different view for an action using $this->view->setName()
. The view name is a filename relative to the src\<namespace>\views
directory, without the .php
If the controller or action is not specified they default to index
will call index()
on \HelloWorld\Controller\Index
Underscores in the controller name are translated to directory separators, so /foo_bar
will point to src/HelloWorld/Controllers/Foo/Bar.php
Dashes in routes are ignored; /foo-bar/baz-qux
calls bazqux()
on \HelloWorld\Controllers\Foobar
Custom routes
Automatic routing is convenient but more granular control is often desirable. In these cases custom routes can be defined.
A route maps a URL to an action (method).
URL segments can be replaced with a "wildcard" placeholder (a variable name prefixed with a colon). This value becomes available for use in the controller.
Consider this route: bar/:qux
Navigating to <controller>/bar/something
matches this route. The value of $args['qux']
becomes something
namespace HelloWorld\Controllers;
use \Swiftlet\Abstracts\Controller as ControllerAbstract;
class Foo extends ControllerAbstract
protected $routes = array(
'hello/world' => 'index',
'bar/:qux' => 'bar'
public function index(array $args = [])
// You navigated to foo/hello/world
public function bar(array $args = [])
// You navigated to foo/bar/<something>
// $args['qux'] contains the second URL argument
Let's throw a model into the mix and update the controller.
Model src/HelloWorld/Models/Foo.php
namespace HelloWorld\Models;
use \Swiftlet\Abstracts\Model as ModelAbstract;
class Foo extends ModelAbstract
public function getHelloWorld()
return 'Hello world!';
Controller src/HelloWorld/Controllers/Foo.php
namespace HelloWorld\Controllers;
use \Swiftlet\Abstracts\Controller as ControllerAbstract;
use \HelloWorld\Models\Example as ExampleModel;
class Foo extends ControllerAbstract;
protected $title = 'Foo';
public function index()
// Get an instance of the Example class
// See src/HelloWorld/Models/Example.php
$example = new ExampleModel;
$this->view->helloWorld = $example->getHelloWorld();
A model typically represents data. This can be an entry in a database or an object such as a user.
use \HelloWorld\Models\User as UserModel;
$user = new UserModel;
Loading and saving data should almost always happen in a model. You can create as many models as you like; they aren't tied to controllers or views.
Events and listeners
Listeners listen for events. When an event is triggered all relevant listeners are called and can be used to extend functionality.
Swiftlet has a few core events and additiontal ones can be triggered pretty much anywhere using $this->app->trigger($event)
Listener src/HelloWorld/Listeners/Foo.php
namespace HelloWorld\Listeners;
use \Swiftlet\Abstracts\Controller as ControllerAbstract;
use \Swiftlet\Abstracts\Listener as ListenerAbstract;
use \Swiftlet\Abstracts\View as ViewAbstract;
class Foo extends ListernerAbstract
public function actionAfter(ControllerAbstract $controller, ViewAbstract $view)
// Overwrite our previously set "helloWorld" variable
$view->helloWorld = 'Hi world!';
This listener listens for the core actionAfter
event and changes the view variable helloWorld
from our previous example to Hi world!
Listeners don't need to be installed or activated, all files in the src/HelloWorld/Listeners/
directory are automatically included and their classes instantiated. Listeners are called in alphabetical order.
The core events are:
Called before each action -
Called after each action
Reusable components such as code to send an email or generate a thumbnail image should go in a separate library class.
use \HelloWorld\Libraries\Email as EmailLibrary;
$email = new EmailLibrary;
$email->send($to, $subject, $message);
No configuration is needed to run Swiftlet. If you're writing a model that does require configuration, e.g. credentials to establish a database connection, you may use the application's setConfig
and getConfig
$this->app->setConfig('variable', 'value');
$value = $this->app->getConfig('variable');
Values can be set in config/main.php
or a custom file.
Public methods
Application Swiftlet\App
App dispatchController()
Determine which controller to use and run it -
App serve()
Serve the page -
mixed getConfig(string $variable)
Get a configuration value -
App setConfig(string $variable, mixed $value)
Set a configuration value -
App registerHook(string $hookName, array $params)
Register a hook
View Swiftlet\View
mixed get(string $variable [, bool $htmlEncode = true ])
Get a view variable, encoded for safe use in HTML by default -
View set(string $variable [, mixed $value ])
Set a view variable -
mixed get(string $variable [, bool $htmlEncode ])
Get a view variable, passfalse
as the second parameter to prevent values from being HTML encoded. -
string getRootPath()
Absolute client-side path to the website root -
mixed htmlEncode(mixed $value)
Recursively make a value safe for HTML -
mixed htmlDecode(mixed $value)
Recursively decode a previously encoded value to be rendered as HTML -
View render(string $path)
Render the view